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The Masonry Foundation Chairman Tom Daniel (left) and MCAA Chairman, Mark Kemp (right) presented MCAA Regional Vice President Gary Joyner “The Masonry Foundation Leadership Award” at the MCAA Midyear Meeting in Key West.
December 2015

Giving back

Chairman’s Message


As we approach the holiday season, or as most of us prefer to say, the Christmas season, we are busy thinking about what gifts to purchase for our families and friends. We spend countless hours deciding on the perfect gift to give, only to realize that in a month it will most likely be forgotten.

We all know Christmas is a time for giving, but why does it seem to happen mainly during the Christmas season? Just think of the possibilities if we had a giving spirit all year round! When I speak of giving, I am not only referring to gifts, but also to acts of kindness.

At the 2014 Midyear Meeting in Milwaukee during the opening prayer, I challenged everyone to do three acts of kindness every day. I am sure most of you, including myself, start out strong, but as time passes, we forget. These acts of kindness can be as simple as helping a person in need, donating your time or helping out financially when asked. So as we approach a new year, I ask you again consider doing three acts of kindness per day. You will be amazed by how this spreads on to others. In fact, challenge your kids or grandkids.

We are all blessed to be involved in an industry that has provided us the opportunity to provide for our families. The masonry industry is unique from other industries, because most are family businesses passed down generation after generation. It is an industry made up of hardworking people with strong values. Mason contractors have a passion for their industry, and this is why the Masonry Foundation has had such a strong start. As I write this article, the Masonry Foundation has $2.25 million in pledges, with many more pledges out there waiting to be turned in.

Our original goal was to raise $5 million in pledges, but I strongly believe we are capable of reaching $8 to $10 million. We truly need all of you to support the Foundation, if we are to reach this goal. This is a great way for you to give back to the industry that has been so good to you and your family. It is an act of kindness that will go on forever ensuring your company, family and industry has a bright and prosperous future. Please consider giving to the Masonry Foundation; you can contact me or call the MCAA office. Join the rest of the contractors who already have pledged to make our industry stronger.

Another way you can help others is by becoming a member of MCAA. And, if you are already a member or if you are going to join, take the next step and become an active member. Yes, it is a time commitment, but that is just another way of giving back to others and your industry. MCAA is your voice in the masonry industry, so why not get involved and be heard? There is so much work to be done with so few to help. So, if you are not a member, please help yourself and others by joining. To all members: Please get involved in your association – the only association for all mason contractors. MCAA not only offers great programs and benefits, but also we have your back on national issues that affect your company and industry. So feel free to contact me or the MCAA office for more information on how to join and how to get involved in your industry.

At this time, the whole Kemp Family would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is during Christmas that we all need to sit back and reflect on how fortunate we are, and appreciate the things of importance in our lives, like our families and friends, and our MCAA family as well. These are the things that bring us the meaning of “true happiness.”

This type of happiness cannot be bought, but rather is there for all those who wish to have it. I also, at this time, would like you to reach out and give thanks to the Armed Forces and police and fire departments that will not be able to be with their families during this holiday season. A simple “thank you” will bring a smile to their faces and a thought that they are not alone.

Chairman’s Message Archive

The American Dream

August 2019
The American Dream

Doing Our Part

May 2019
Doing Our Part

Preparing for D.C.

April 2019
Preparing for D.C.

Recent Updates

September 2018
Recent Updates

Masonry’s Future

August 2018
Masonry’s Future

Worthwhile Work

June 2018
Worthwhile Work

A New Beginning

February 2018
A New Beginning

Givers Gain

January 2018
Givers Gain

Things to Remember

March 2017
Things to Remember

Looking Forward

February 2017
Looking Forward

A Fresh Start

January 2017
A Fresh Start

Who Moved My Cheese?

September 2016
Who Moved My Cheese?

An exciting year ahead

February 2015
An exciting year ahead

Defining success

December 2014
Defining success

Staying busy for you

August 2014
Staying busy for you

Ready for action

February 2014
Ready for action


January 2014

Happy holidays

December 2013
Happy holidays

MCAA Midyear update

November 2013
MCAA Midyear update

The MCAA in D.C.

August 2013
The MCAA in D.C.

A Lot Happening

July 2013
A Lot Happening

Eye opening

June 2013
Eye opening

Positive movement

March 2013
Positive movement

Headed to Vegas

February 2013
Headed to Vegas

New beginning

January 2013
New beginning

It’s finally over

December 2012
It’s finally over

My trip to the Rockies

November 2012
My trip to the Rockies

The 2012 election

October 2012
The 2012 election

Stay involved

September 2012
Stay involved


August 2012

Summer time

July 2012
Summer time

Exciting time

June 2012
Exciting time

Working for you

May 2012
Working for you

New beginnings

March 2012
New beginnings


February 2012

One more to go!

January 2012
One more to go!

Join us in Vegas

November 2011
Join us in Vegas

As the world turns

August 2011
As the world turns

A Bright Future

May 2011
A Bright Future

Tidbits From MCAA

March 2011
Tidbits From MCAA

Time Flies By

February 2011
Time Flies By

The End of the Year

December 2010
The End of the Year

Busy Times!

November 2010
Busy Times!

South of 40

October 2010
South of 40

What Are We Doing?

August 2010
What Are We Doing?

Moving Forward

March 2010
Moving Forward

A Fond Farewell

February 2010
A Fond Farewell

A New Year

January 2010
A New Year

Start the Year Strong

December 2009
Start the Year Strong

MCAA in D.C.

September 2009
MCAA in D.C.

Brick Voids

August 2009
Brick Voids

Vision 2020

February 2009
Vision 2020

State of the Association

February 2009
State of the Association

The Silver Lining

January 2009
The Silver Lining

Impact on the Hill

June 2008
Impact on the Hill

New Horizons

February 2008
New Horizons

Wrapping up Another Year

December 2007
Wrapping up Another Year

Greetings From Italy!

November 2007
Greetings From Italy!

We Need Your Help!

January 2005
We Need Your Help!

The Strength of Unity

November 2003
The Strength of Unity

Changing of the Guard

February 2002
Changing of the Guard

“The MCAA is always a great resource for information.”

Travis Frantz
United Masonry Incorporated
MCAA member since 2006

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