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Building Information Modeling for Masonry (BIM-M)

Building Information Modeling for Masonry (BIM-M)

Building information modeling, or BIM, has been in the construction industry's vernacular for several years. Understanding what BIM really will mean to the future of our industry is paramount. If BIM is to be the go-to building concept, then masonry needs to be in the fold.

It's important to first note that building information modeling (BIM) is not a product. It is a concept – a process – that involves digital models of a building. Several software companies make versions of BIM software. The software creates 3D models that represent every aspect of what a building is or could be, from exteriors to internal function.

The Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA), the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC), Western States Clay Products Association, the International Masonry Institute (IMI) and The Masonry Society (TMS) have banded together to urge software developers to include masonry in BIM software. To do this, the groups are working with The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech).

Phase I

A Roadmap for Developing and Deploying Building Information Modeling (BIM) for the Masonry Industry

This document presents a roadmap for building information modeling (BIM) for the masonry industry. The roadmap results from an intensive nine-month effort by leading associations within the masonry industry and including the input of stakeholders: material suppliers, architects, engineers, and contractors. The Digital Building Laboratory (DBL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology prepared the roadmap.

Phase II


In Phase II of the initiative, the foundation for a software specification will be established through four projects, which supports the primary goal of documenting the background knowledge.

Proposed Participation in Phase II of the Building Information Modeling for Masonry Initiative

BIM Deliverables Guide for Masonry Contractors

BIM-M has two guides specifically written by mason contractors for mason contractors! These guides provide tips and ideas to becoming BIM savvy and making your business more productive. The examples illustrate how other mason contractors have used BIM to can help their businesses. Both volumes (Volume I and Volume II) are available free for download.

BIM for Masonry: Modeling Buildings in Autodesk Revit

BIM-M has released the its new guide "BIM for Masonry, Modeling Masonry Buildings in Autodesk Revit" for architects, engineers, contractors and other users of masonry. Developed in cooperation with the TMS BIM Committee, the guide is a free download.

Educational Program Proposal for the Masonry Construction Industry

BIM‐M Training Program

The scope of this project is to create a training course that can take someone in the masonry construction industry from unskilled with computers to an individual who is competent with Building Information Modeling. This report will outline the courses we plan to develop in order to reach the following target audiences. The identified audiences are masons with little to no computer skills, for individuals that are computer skilled and have no background in construction management, individuals with computer and project management skills, individuals with BIM experience and lastly training with BIMM when the software becomes available.

Educational Program Proposal for the Masonry Construction Industry

Masonry Unit Database (MUD) by BIM-M

The Masonry Unit Database (MUD) is intended to provide designers and BIM users standardized data for their models and save time! The database works with many of the popular BIM and CAD software packages on the market today.

The initial release includes geometric data, color information and weight information for numerous generic concrete masonry units, structural clay brick and clay brick veneer units and BIM files in DWG, DGN, DXF, and RFA formats. Updates are in development to expand the database to include a) custom shapes for concrete masonry, structural clay brick, tile, natural stone, and manufactured stone, and b) more BIM information on the materials (thermal, absorption, etc.).

Autodesk Revit users can also download MASONRY UNIT GENERATOR, a free plugin and a time saver.

Visit for additional information about Building Information Modeling for Masonry.


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Architect and BIM-M

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