Strategically Thinking About the Future of the Masonry Industry
2001 Report of the President
Just when did the world become such a very small place? The last time I checked it still took forty-eight hours to travel around the world. In fact, the world is still 24,902 miles around at the equator.
I step outside my house and Mt. Rainier still punches the clouds at over 14,000 feet. There are roughly 191 countries in the world and over 6 billion 100 million people living in them. So when did the world become so small? It has undoubtedly been the introduction of the internet and its uncanny ability to put us in direct contact with people and companies clear across the globe. Within seconds, we can be buying products and services from thousands of companies in hundreds of countries. We can obtain information on almost any topic with the touch of a computer keystroke. Clearly, it has become a smaller and much different world than the one that we have become so comfortable with over the past several decades.
I remember back to the introduction of the fax machine and doubted that anyone would buy such an expensive machine. Today, the fax is threatening the very existence of the U.S. Postal Service. I also remember the introduction of cellular phones and wondered if we could ever afford such a luxury. Today, I wonder how I'd ever be able to function if I lost my cell phone, which I have become so dependent upon. I marvel at the internet and the access to such tremendous information, products and services. Of course, I marvel at the internet once I figure out how to navigate my computer, or even figure out how to turn it on. I think those that know me know that I'm not one of the world's foremost authorities on computers.
But if there is any doubt that the internet is going to take hold much like fax machines and cell phones, just log on and surf the net to find out for yourself. But if you are computer illiterate like many of us older contractors, just watch your kids or grandchildren, they will show you the future.
The impact of a shrinking world and the introduction of new technologies is not limited to the internet. As the voice representing the interests of mason contractors nation-wide, the Mason Contractors Association of America has focused on the changing world around us, and the impact those advances will have on our markets and livelihoods as contractors.
As the only association representing all of the industry's mason contractors, we don't have the luxury of ignoring the future and its impact on us all. As President of the Mason Contractors Association of America, I am pleased to report to you here today that this past year, your association has continued to expand its effectiveness and the MCAA's influence as an advocate for mason contractors. I would like to share with you during the next few minutes some of the key accomplishments your association has achieved during the past year.
Strategically Thinking About the World
The MCAA took a major step forward this past year when your executive board met back in July along with your association's committee chairs to begin the process of thinking strategically about our future as an association. For fifty years, we gathered together to review and ratify the actions that had already been accomplished by our committees. As an association, we spent very little time thinking about the future and how as mason contractors, we would impact the future. Started at a Long-Range Strategic Planning meeting held in San Diego, California this past summer and then completed at the association's Midyear Meeting in Seattle this past September, the Board constructed a strategic plan that will govern the association over the next thirty years. During the strategy sessions, we collectively shared our vision of what the future will look like, who our competitors will be and whether or not masonry will be a viable building product in the future. Then, based on our best educated guesses, we strategize about what the MCAA must do to bring about the most profitable futures for all of our members. As an association, we will face many detours and at times, many road blocks along the way. But relying on this new vision and a new way of strategically governing our association, your Board is now on what I believe to be the right pathway to the future. This new Long-Range Strategic Plan will be introduced at our Annual Meeting later today.
Thinking strategically about the future of the masonry industry requires us as an association to look beyond our borders and begin to think globally about our industry. As the world continues to get smaller, we must seek to develop new alliances and partners to expand our capabilities as contractors. Much like we have done with our partners in the Canadian Masonry Contractors Association with the sharing of information and partnering on sound projects such as the Masonry Skills CHallenge and the constructing of the Habitat for Humanity home, our association must work to build partnerships with other like minded mason contractors all across the globe. I have asked our Executive Director Mike Adelizzi to explore the existence of other mason contractor organizations world wide and to begin seeking areas of mutual concern and benefit from developing expanded partnerships much like the one we have forged with our partners in Canada.
Leadership in Workforce Development
But as high tech as the world has become, our industry still relies heavily on the hands-on process of installing our materials. And as long as we are dependent on an expanded workforce, the MCAA will be intricately involved in developing the availability of a quality workforce. MCAA has indeed provided leadership in guaranteeing the future availability of our workforce. One of the most exciting programs that the association has started along with our Canadian partners is the Masonry Skills Challenge where we spotlight our industry's brightest apprentices, which even has galvanized the industry to become involved in investing in our industry's future workforce. Here in Orlando, you will have the opportunity to experience the Masonry Skills Challenge where winning apprentices from the U.S. and Canada will compete for the title of the industry's best. In addition to the Skills Challenge, we continued to support vocational training throughout the U.S. with our involvement in Skills USA. Skills USA encourages the establishment of masonry programs in our country's high schools which I believe is a critical area of involvement to find the future of our labor force. This coming year, one of our association's goals is to double the number of high schools offering masonry programs throughout the U.S.
Providing the training for our future masons is not enough. We must continue to provide the needed training for our industry's future supervisory personnel as well. That needed training continues to come in the form of our two-day Foreman Development course which is being conducted once again here at our annual conference. Estimating is another vital aspect of our businesses and our new Masonry Estimating course and manual will provide critical training for our membership.
Leadership In Education
As contractors we know that our own continuing education to become more successful as business leaders never ends. Your association has also had a very successful year in providing quality education for our nation's contractors. One of the most exciting developments this past year is the expansion of your MASONRY Magazine to a monthly publication. Not only have we been successful in launching a monthly magazine, but the quality of each issue's features has dramatically improved. In fact, we have added new features such as the Contractor to Contractor and the Making the Grade features which highlights our industry's best. A valuable resource for our industry contractors is the MCAA Resource Catalog which lists over 100 publications geared toward providing contractors with the most comprehensive resources available for managing a successful masonry business. This past fiscal year, I am proud to report that we sold nearly $200,000 in publications which is nearly doubled from our sales volume from the year before.
Probably on of the most important events for the association is the MASONRY SHOWCASE and the educational opportunities it offers. In fact, this year, we have expanded our educational offering from eight to twenty and we have specialized those sessions in four areas of concentration: safety, technical, business development and a new section in residential. No other show offers contractors such a concentrated list of masonry specific topics. Add that to the nearly 40,000 square feet of exhibits and your MASONRY SHOWCASE has now become the event for mason contractors to attend.
Leadership In Masonry Marketing
I am proud of the continued expansion that your association has exhibited in the area of masonry promotion. It's very difficult to understand why the MCAA has expanded its role in promoting masonry in light of the continued robust construction economy. Even with the extent of the investment from our brick and block manufacturers, I am asked why the MCAA would promote the use of masonry. But I believe that no one is in as strong a position to promote the entire use of masonry systems as the MCAA. For this reason, our association must become more involved with promoting masonry and educating our customers to the benefits of masonry. Customer focus groups have told the MCAA that the masonry industry is too splintered with too many sources of information. The MCAA can and must become a single unifying force for promoting our industry. We must continue to become the leader in promoting masonry. One event that I am most pleased with is our Architect's Masonry Symposium. Last year we had nearly forty architects from around the country attend the three-day symposium immersing themselves in learning about masonry. What customers have told us is that they do not have the same knowledge of our systems versus competitive systems. Our Architect's Masonry Symposium is an effective answer to providing our customers with the knowledge and comfort level to design more with masonry.
One of the vital aspects of the Symposium is the hands on aspect of learning about masonry that the architects receive when they help our industry's best apprentices build the Habitat for Humanity homes here in Orlando. What better way for our industry's customers to gain a greater appreciation for our craft than to put a trowel in their hands and actually lay masonry unites in the wall of such a worth while cause as providing a home for a less fortunate family.
In addition to the Architect Symposium, the MCAA once again had an exhibit at the Construction Specifications Institute Exposition where 3,000 construction specifiers attended the show. Once again, our booth provided hands on demonstrations for the customers who stopped by our booth and I am proud to report that your association's booth was once again one of the most popular booths at the CSI Exposition. I would like to take this time to thank Brad Proctor of Wasco who allowed one of this key employees, Mr. Steven Fechino, to attend the SCI show and work our booth with us. Steven provided the hands0on instruction to everyone who stopped in our booth and from what I heard he did a great job. The MCAA once again was a principle partner and supporter of the Masonry Industry Council which serves as a unifying force in the industry. The MIC is comprised of the major industry associations and collectively, it is beginning to focus the industry to address key problems that we all share. One of MIC's programs that the MCAA supports is the Federal Officials Program where government employees who are responsible for federal construction attend a day long serices of workshops so they can have a better understanding of our system. Conducting seminars along is not enough to reach all of the people that need the resources available from the MCAA. For that reason, we have invested a great deal of resources to expand our web-site. If you haven't already done so, I would encourage all of you to travel to our site and explore all the information we now have available on the internet. We now have all of our resources available for purchase on the web site. We have begun archiving MASONRY Magazine features from past editions on the site. You will be able to find information on careers, training information, and programs at future Masonry Showcases. Our members can also be found on our web-site. We believe that your association has one of the most interactive sites on the internet.
Leadership In Codes & Standards
Fewer things can impact our industry fastest than codes & standards. For decades, we have relied on the volunteer support of fellow members to attend codes & standards meetings to represent the interests of our members. While it was somewhat effective and we are grateful to those members who have served our association's interests, I am proud to report that we have added a new full time staff position to represent our interests in the future. I hope you will all have a chance to meet our new Director of Engineering, Mr. Rashod Johnson during the next few days. In a very short time, he has already begun to have an impact. However, he can't do it alone. I urge our members to continue to become active on industry code and standards committee.
We remain involved in our continued support the Council for Masonry Research which conducts valuable market oriented masonry research. Since our first involvement with the CMR, they have invested nearly $750,000 in important research to expand the use of our products. As an association, we will continue to build MCAA's influence in masonry codes and standards development.
Leadership In The Future
During my first year as President of the MCAA, I've heard time and time again that we must work at developing our partnership especially with our industry's suppliers. I believe that we have worked at our partnership. The Masonry Industry Council, which the MCAA forged, is a direct result of our foresight toward unifying the industry. But no matter how good we are, we must recognize that we cannot do it alone.
Our association has come a long way over the last several years stepping forward to provide the leadership that is so lacking in the industry. But as good as we believe that we are at leading, what good is providing leadership if everyone refuses to be led. There is no doubt that our industry is still a fragmented industry. Our customers tell us we are splintered, our competitors take advantage of us being splintered, and our industry laments in the fragmentation.
The solution to unifying our industry begins with the MCAA. We must recognize that there are numerous small local mason contractor associations and thousands of mason contractors that choose to act alone and not affiliate with the national association. Time and time again, I see the MCAA launch a new program or campaign, and instead of all of our industry's contractor groups rallying behind our efforts, I see them copying our efforts only to call them their own. How ridiculous, how petty, how divisive. I call on every local mason contractor group, no matter how large or how small to affiliate with the national. Put aside your petty differences and join our fight to make masonry the dominant building material. I call on the leaders of each organization to provide the leadership and begin to solve the problem of a splintered industry that frustrates our customers and rewards our competitors and bring your organization under the MCAA umbrella.
We've achieved many of our goals and we've now branched our influence into the area of codes and standards. However, we have yet to effectively exert our influence in the area of legislative action which I believe is the missing piece of MCAA's total service to our members and their future survival. We must focus our efforts at building our influence in this area during the coming year.
Finally, your association's Executive Committee most recently approved plans to move forward to build a national headquarters for the MCAA. This is by far the most aggressive undertaking our association has ever taken on, but I believe that once completed, we will have a showpiece that we can all be proud of. In addition, investing in an association headquarters will put the MCAA on a solid foundation for the future. You will learn more in the near future about how you can support this worthwhile association project.
I would like to thank all the members who have become involved and given so much toward building the MCAA and its influence. I especially would like to thank our Board of Directors and specifically my fellow senior officers who I have relied on so much during the past year. As your President, I remain resolved that the MCAA will lead this industry into the new millennium as prepared as we can be with respect for the past, but an eye on the future.
Chairman’s Message Archive

November 2019
Thankful for The Little Things

October 2019
Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

September 2019
Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

August 2019
The American Dream

July 2019
2019 Legislative Conference Recap

June 2019
Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

May 2019
Doing Our Part

April 2019
Preparing for D.C.

March 2019
More Than a Little Luck

February 2019
Show Your Love For The Industry

December 2018
The Opportunities are Endless

November 2018
2018 MCAA Midyear Meeting Recap

October 2018
Every Person’s Potential

September 2018
Recent Updates

August 2018
Masonry’s Future

July 2018
An Offer You Can’t Refuse

June 2018
Worthwhile Work

May 2018
Masonry All Around

April 2018
We’re Washington Bound

March 2018
The Changing Tide And Road Ahead

February 2018
A New Beginning

January 2018
Givers Gain

December 2017
The Reason for the Season

November 2017
Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

October 2017
Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

September 2017
Learning From North Carolina

August 2017
Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

June 2017
Calculating Your Return on Investment

May 2017
Sweet Tea and Grits

April 2017
Silica, Auctions and Policy

March 2017
Things to Remember

February 2017
Looking Forward

January 2017
A Fresh Start

December 2016
Making Our Industry Stronger

November 2016
MCAA Midyear Meeting Does Not Disappoint

October 2016
Have You Made Your Pledge to the Foundation?

September 2016
Who Moved My Cheese?

August 2016
Get Ready for MCAA’s Midyear Meeting

July 2016
Making a Difference

June 2016
Southern Hospitality

May 2016
The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

April 2016
MCAA: Looking out for your interests

March 2016
Let’s share our passion!

February 2016
Thanks for letting me give back

January 2016
A week of masonry you can’t miss

December 2015
Giving back

November 2015
A successful Midyear Meeting in the Florida Keys

October 2015
Seeing the future before our eyes

September 2015
Join us for the Midyear Meeting

August 2015
The MCAA Midyear Meeting is approaching

July 2015
Spread the Word: Masonry Doesn’t Burn

June 2015
Busy on ‘The Hill’ for you

May 2015
Progress in the making

April 2015
A voice in Washington

March 2015
Another successful Convention in Vegas

February 2015
An exciting year ahead

January 2015
MCAA Convention is approaching

December 2014
Defining success

November 2014
Coming together for our industry

September 2014
Hitting the road and making a difference

August 2014
Staying busy for you

July 2014
MCAA Midyear Meeting approaching

June 2014
MCAA staying busy and making progress

May 2014
Be a voice in your industry

April 2014
The MCAA is on the move

March 2014
It’s all about helping each other

February 2014
Ready for action

January 2014

December 2013
Happy holidays

November 2013
MCAA Midyear update

October 2013
Ushering in a busy fall season

September 2013
Workforce a familiar friend

August 2013
The MCAA in D.C.

July 2013
A Lot Happening

June 2013
Eye opening

May 2013
Why not be a member?

April 2013
First South of 40 Conference

March 2013
Positive movement

February 2013
Headed to Vegas

January 2013
New beginning

December 2012
It’s finally over

November 2012
My trip to the Rockies

October 2012
The 2012 election

September 2012
Stay involved

August 2012

July 2012
Summer time

June 2012
Exciting time

May 2012
Working for you

April 2012
Join us in D.C. next month

March 2012
New beginnings

February 2012

January 2012
One more to go!

December 2011
The life of a mason contractor

November 2011
Join us in Vegas

October 2011
The Future is Around the Corner

September 2011
This ole cowboy is excited!

August 2011
As the world turns

July 2011
Update From the President

June 2011
The Strong Spirit of our Industry

May 2011
A Bright Future

April 2011
Springtime Updates from MCAA

March 2011
Tidbits From MCAA

February 2011
Time Flies By

January 2011
The MCAA Convention: A Priceless Experience

December 2010
The End of the Year

November 2010
Busy Times!

October 2010
South of 40

September 2010
Get Involved on All Levels

August 2010
What Are We Doing?

July 2010
Have a Great Summer

June 2010
Adding Dollars to the Bottom Line

May 2010
MCAA Key Accomplishments 2009-2010

May 2010
The Government is Working, 24-7

April 2010
MCAA is Working for the Mason Contractor

March 2010
Moving Forward

February 2010
A Fond Farewell

January 2010
A New Year

December 2009
Start the Year Strong

November 2009
The Greening of our Industry

October 2009
A Successful Midyear Meeting

September 2009
MCAA in D.C.

August 2009
Brick Voids

July 2009
Vision 2020 Moving Forward

June 2009
Success On The Hill

May 2009
Show Your Support Through Membership

March 2009
On a Positive Note...

February 2009
Vision 2020

February 2009
State of the Association

January 2009
The Silver Lining

December 2008
How Is Your Business Doing?

November 2008
Fastest Trowel on the Block

October 2008
Thoughts on the 2008 Election

September 2008
Industry Cooperation for Positive Change

August 2008
Networking: Not Just a Buzz Word

June 2008
Impact on the Hill

April 2008
Join Us Next Month in D.C.

March 2008
Were you at the World of Masonry in January?

February 2008
New Horizons

January 2008
State of the Association

January 2008
Thanks for an Enjoyable Term as President

December 2007
Wrapping up Another Year

November 2007
Greetings From Italy!

October 2007
MCAA, World of Masonry Join Forces

September 2007
MCAA Looking to Expand Masonry Markets

August 2007
Certification: Good Efforts and Bad Rumors

July 2007
Positive Changes on the Horizon

June 2007
MCAA Appoints New Executive Director

April 2007
Isn’t It Time You Joined With Us?

February 2007
Advancing Masonry in a Global Economy

February 2007
Certification Can Strengthen Our Markets

January 2007
A New Battle Rages in Washington

December 2006
National Initiatives Will Build a Stronger Industry

October 2006
Totally Engaged in Washington

September 2006
MCAA's Skills Competitions Create Enthusiasm for Training

August 2006
Heeding Huckabee's Call for Action

July 2006
MCAA Membership Can Pay Real Dividends

April 2006
I Can't Wait To Get Started!

March 2006
Coming Together to Advance the Industry

February 2006
Coming Together to Expand Our Opportunities

January 2006
Strategic Planning Creates Successful Future

December 2005
The work of the Construction Industry Silica Task Force

November 2005
It's Time You Joined the MCAA

September 2005
Volunteerism Advances America and Our Industry

April 2005
Advancing the Masonry Industry

March 2005
Strong Reasons to Go to Masonry Showcase

February 2005
Contractors Taking the Promotion Initiative

January 2005
We Need Your Help!

December 2004
Elections 2004: An Interesting Political Year

November 2004
The Internet is Opening New Doors for Contractors

October 2004
Mason Contractors + Specifiers = Construct America

September 2004
Your Influence Can Impact the Election

June 2004
Stepping Up to Sell Masonry Systems

April 2004
New Challenges Await Us!

April 2004
The State of the Association

February 2004
The MCAA: Getting Plugged into Washington

January 2004
Contractors Organize to Tackle Promotion

November 2003
The Strength of Unity

September 2003
Military Construction: Traditional Masonry or Modern Design

June 2003
Partnership with CSI Benefits Industry

April 2003
Strength Through Advocacy

February 2003
A New Year, a New Congress and a New Outlook

January 2003
Masonry Showcase ... Take Your Business Further

December 2002
Let's Not Lose Sight of Training

November 2002
MCAA Is Working Hard On Your Behalf

August 2002
Phoenix ... Rising From the Ashes

July 2002
Industry Beginning To Think Together

May 2002
Industry Training at a Crossroads

April 2002
Coming Together As Contractors

March 2002
A Steadying Force in Uncertain Times

February 2002
Changing of the Guard

January 2002
Associate Members Play a Key Role in Industry

February 2000
A Half Century of Service...A Half Century of Leadership

January 2000
Fifty Years of Serving the Masonry Industry

March 1998
Our Work Awaits Us… Let Us Begin!

March 1993
Meeting the Challenges Ahead

February 1961
A Message from Stephen D. Raimo