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Find-a-Contractor Masonry Buyer's Guide
September 15, 2011 2:30 PM CDT

PermaLath 1000® the perfect mortar base for SVM and PMSVM applications

Durable fabric makes for safe, easy installation


PermaLath 1000®

PermaLath 1000®
When the job is lathing a substrate to install manufactured stone veneer units, nothing can compete with the efficiencies and performance properties of PermaLath 1000®. Unlike traditional metal lath that is heavy with rigid, sharp edges and cumbersome to hang, PermaLath 1000 is a pliable, lightweight yet durable fabric that makes for safe, easy installation over solid backing. It’s the perfect continuous vertical reinforcement material when applying SPEC MIX Stone Veneer Mortar and Polymer Modified Stone Veneer Mortar for adhered veneer wall systems.

Distributed nationally by BASF Wall Systems through its network of distributors, PermaLath1000 glass fiber lath with an open weave, three-dimensional, self-furred, nominal ¼” thick design provides the optimal mortar base for precast stone veneer applications. PermaLath 1000 is non-metallic, so it won’t rust. It’s packaged in lightweight rolls for efficient handling, storing, and shipping, and the 39-inch width gives better coverage with fewer overlaps. PermaLath 1000 is non-directional so it can be applied horizontally or vertically.

PermaLath 1000 is easy to cut with scissors or a utility knife. As one contractor stated, “It [PermaLath] was easier to cut than metal lath and quicker to install, especially around windows, doors and in tight areas." By using PermaLath 1000 not only are several safety concerns addressed but installation speed is increased. Permalath 1000 is also self-furred and is easily fastened with No.16 1 ¼” long galvanized metal staples 16” on center every 6”.

PermaLath 1000 is code compliant under ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Glass Fiber Lath used in Cementitious Exterior Wall Coatings or Exterior Cement Plaster (AC275). Additional information regarding PermaLath 1000 code compliance can be found at

The Masonry Veneer Manufacturers Association approves the use of alternative lath in its Installation Guide for Adhered Concrete Masonry Veneer as long as the lath is compliant under AC275. This installation guide is consistent with ongoing work at ASTM to develop a standardized installation method and provides the basis for how ASTM will recognize a proper adhered masonry veneer install.

The use of PermaLath 1000 versus conventional lath when installing stone veneer or stucco can reduce labor costs by increased efficiency. PermaLath 1000 has also under gone a battery of tests providing evidence supporting its use as an alternative to the status quo. Millions of square feet of PermaLath 1000 have been installed with outstanding results and an exceptional track record. Making the switch from metal lath or stucco netting to PermaLath 1000 is a choice that you will not regret. Consider using PermaLath 1000 on your next stone veneer or stucco project that incorporates the Spec Mix line of products.

For additional information regarding PermaLath 1000 visit or call 800-589-1336 to speak with a BASF technical representative.

About the Author

Jeff Farmakes is the Marketing Communications Manager for SPEC MIX®, Inc.


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