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October 29, 2007 1:54 PM CDT

MCAA Nominating Committee Report


Committee Members

Alan Griffin (Chairman),
Richard Felice, Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Donald Grant, Grant Masonry Company
Richard Johnston, Johnston Construction Co., Inc.
William McConnell, Architectural Paving & Stone

On August 10, 2007, the MCAA Nominating Committee met to review and recommend candidates for MCAA office for the 2008-2010 term of office. The Committee reviewed potential candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and nine Regional Vice Presidents. After careful review and consideration, the Nominating Committee is recommending the following for positions on the Executive Board of the association:

Senior Officers
Tom Daniels
GBC Concrete and Masonry, California

Vice President
Mackie Bounds
Brazos Masonry, Texas

John Smith, Jr.
John Smith Masonry, Missouri

Mark Kemp
Superior Masonry, Wisconsin

Regional Vice Presidents
Region A
Michael Schmerbeck
Speranza Brickwork, New Jersey

Region B
Roy Swindal
Masonry Arts, Alabama

Region C
Ed Davenport
Davenport Masonry, Michigan

Region D
Richard Porter
G. Porter and Co., Illinois

Region E
Doug Nichols
Nichols Masonry, Missouri

Region F
Robert Barnes
Dee Brown Masonry, Texas

Region G
Mike Sutter
Sutter Masonry, Arizona

Region H
Ron Bennett
E & S Masonry, California

Region I
Tim Spilker
Spilker Masonry, Washington

We whole heartily support this slate of qualified candidates for the Board of the Mason Contractors Association of America and recommend them to the membership of the association for adoption at the national Annual Meeting to take place on 4:00 PM, Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at Caesars Hotel, Las Vegas Nevada.

About the Author

G. Alan Griffin, President of Griffin Contractors, Inc., has severals years experience in the masonry industry. He is a past president of the Mason Contractors Association of America and the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association. Griffin grew up working in the masonry business founded in 1957 by his father and grandfather, and has since taken over the family business. Griffin was award the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award for exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry in 2007.


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