Coming Together to Advance the Industry
2006 Report of the President
This past year has truly been remarkable for our nation. We experienced yet another example of the awe of nature as we saw record numbers of hurricanes hit our coastlines. The pure power and devastation from those storms was witnessed by the destruction from Katrina, which will go down as one of the most devastating in history.
I was awed by the compassion of Americans as we watched hundreds of thousands respond with aid and support for those who were displaced. America opened its heart and homes to take in fellow citizens devastated by Katrina.
While many differ on the war in Iraq, we all continued to stand behind our troops who make us proud and make the sacrifices to protect America and its liberties. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have fought and died to keep terrorism away from our shores.
Our nation continues to explore the vastness of space and search for the unknown. Television has an amazing influence on our lives as we danced with the stars and tolerated the "Wife Swap". Reality TV, "Law & Order" and "CSI" seemed to take over the airwaves.
We lost some old friends. We said goodbye to Richard Pryor, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Miyagi and we beamed Scottie up for his last trip. Lou Rawls and Luther Vandross serenaded us for the last time. And the inspirations of Rosa Parks, Pope John Paul II and Coretta Scott King will continue beyond their passing.
Bill and Melinda Gates and U2's Bono were named by TIME magazine as "People of the Year." And People magazine named Matthew McConaughey the "Sexiest Man of the Year." Nick Lachey lost his mind by agreeing to divorce Jessica Simpson and, of course, Tom Cruise has just lost his mind.
The Chicago White Sox won the World Series after 88 years without a championship. The Red Sox in 2004, the White Sox in 2005, maybe this year the Cubs? And hockey finally returned to the ice, but did anyone notice?
The year of 2005 was truly a memorable year for all of us.
Coming Together to Advance Our Industry

Year 2005 was a memorable year for those of us in the masonry industry as well. As an industry, we faced many challenges that tested our ability to work together. At a time when we need to be unified like never before and face the threat from competitive systems, our friends have used valuable resources in advertising against each other, instead of our true competitors.
The MCAA has made it our top priority to come together to advance the masonry industry. Through input from our members, our Long Range Plan calls for the MCAA to provide the leadership to unify the entire industry. We must keep the focus on our true industry threats ? tilt-up and precast ? and not allow our industry to turn on one another, which only allows competitors to have an open field in which to compete.
To accomplish this goal, MCAA's senior officers held numerous meetings with our counterparts from the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), the Brick Industry Association (BIA), the Building Stone Institute (BSI), the International Council of Employers and the trade unions. We have begun to break down the walls, that for years, have separated and splintered our industry. I am pleased to report that our meetings were successful in reconnecting with our friends. In meeting after meeting, we all agreed that we must set aside those issues that divide us and focus on the issues that unite us. As a result of our meetings with the NCMA, BIA and BSI, we agreed to transform the MCAA Legislative Conference that was successfully re-launched last year into a new, co-sponsored Masonry Industry Legislative Conference this coming April 24-26 in Washington, D.C. Members from all four national associations will travel to our nation's capitol to meet with our elected leaders. We hope to educate our Congressmen and Senators on issues that can impact the ability for our industry to expand.
As national associations, we have only begun to work together, and we are all looking at new ways to do so. Such as combining our workforce development efforts to identify how we can increase our labor force and our ability to expand our markets. I am pleased with the progress we have made with this unity, all to advance the interests of the masonry industry.
This past year, we continued to strengthen our ties with many of our chapters. We must look to many of our chapters to help the MCAA obtain the needed resources to expand the effectiveness of the national association. In 2006, we will call on all of our state and local affiliates that do not have 100-percent membership in the national association to bring those non-members into the MCAA fold. I asked MCAA to identify the top state groups that have not affiliated with the Association and tell me what the impact is from this lack of membership. I was surprised to learn that if the four largest state groups became affiliated with the MCAA, we would have over $400,000 in desperately needed resources.
It's not only important for all industry associations to be united to advance masonry, but as contractors, we must also all come together behind the MCAA's efforts, by being active members. After all, how can we ask our supplier friends to come together if we are not united behind that same common purpose?
Building Our Workforce

The future viability of our workforce is one of our top priorities as a national association. For years, our Association has worked to implement programs that would bring attention to all of the career possibilities that exist in our industry. Our High School Career Initiative has placed career information in more than 1,000 of our nation's high schools; today, we continue to receive strong interest from these schools.
Seven years ago, long before other for-profit competitive and divisive competitions were started, the MCAA began our two masonry skills contests: the Masonry Skills Challenge, our national apprenticeship skills competition, and the Fastest Trowel contest. These two contests were started to bring industry attention to the importance of training. These events have been invaluable in getting both contractors and local associations engaged in recruiting and training.
Our website and Masonry magazine have also been useful in bringing information on careers in masonry to a potential labor force.
However, simply getting information out about careers in our industry is not enough. We must ensure that we have the ability to both train these individuals, as well as assist them in finding employment. To help secure the necessary tools, this past year we conducted a two-day session to revise our masonry apprenticeship training series, and we hope to introduce a second edition of our training series later this summer. Also, we have been working with the laborers union to revise our Rough Terrain Forklift Training series.
In addition to having quality training materials, we must make certain that we have a strong core of competent instructors that will be available to teach our future workforce. This will become an increasingly important and logical role for the MCAA into the future.
No other organization is in the unique position to ensure our industry's workforce like the MCAA. And while we are the logical choice to ensure our future, we cannot do this alone. This past year, the MCAA has solicited the involvement of allied groups to assist us in this effort, and we look forward to growing support from the suppliers in our industry.
Advancing Our Association's Interests in Washington

Few areas can impact our industry faster than the actions of our federal government. Through laws and regulations, Washington can cripple or help enable our ability to survive and thrive as an industry. As an association, our image and influence in our nation's capital have grown over the past couple of years and we are looking to grow that even further.
Over the past year, we have achieved many successes, most notably with our relationship with OSHA. Through our Alliance, we have established a Best Practices Workshop created for OSHA field personnel. The goal of this new workshop is to make every OSHA compliance officer familiar with our industry's training and work practices. Our pilot workshop, held in St Louis, was a great success, and we look to conduct these training workshops in every OSHA region throughout the nation over the next few years. Imagine what it will be like to have an OSHA compliance officer come to your job site and understand why you are doing certain activities, rather than citing you for them.
Having a positive relationship with key members of Congress is the second of a three-prong approach to our ability to protect our members' abilities to run their companies with a reasonable amount of independence and assurance in the future. This past year, we conducted our Legislative Conference, which proved to be a very exciting and useful conference. Like with anything else, building alliances and coalitions in Washington is a very effective way to get things done. During our meetings with allied associations, we invited others to join our effort to educate Congress and the administration on those key issues that can impact our industry. I urge all MCAA members to attend this year's Masonry Industry Legislative Conference.
The third prong is to develop our ability to assist candidates who support our issues. Therefore, we have established a very aggressive goal of raising over $100,000 for our political action efforts. MACPAC, our political action committee, will enable our Association to help elect a pro-masonry, pro-business Congress. I encourage our masonry contractors to support our efforts to protect the industry's future by contributing to MACPAC.
Advancing Our Markets

For decades, our suppliers have carried the burden of promoting the use of our products and, since our funding as an Association was limited, we were content to let them lead. However, as we struggle to keep our markets, we can no longer be content with the way things were done in the past.
Today, some of our industry suppliers are working against each other to the determent of the industry. As contractors, we must not sit idly by and allow our industry to implode when we are all so convinced that construction customers prefer masonry products and services. Therefore, like it or not, as contractors, we must step forward to play a major role in promoting masonry systems.
During our annual meeting, we heard a major presentation on how as contractors we can impact the use of masonry systems. The MCAA and every contractor in our industry must step up and provide the funding that will be needed to implement the necessary programs to guarantee that our materials will remain the materials of choice of our customers. While as an Association, we have supported many marketing efforts, such as the Federal Officials Seminar, the University Professors Workshop, and the Masonry Designers Guide, we must not be content with thinking small. As contractors, it's time for us to fund a major national campaign that can radically impact the use of our materials and the role of the mason contractor in promoting masonry. We must take a serious look at this new program and come up with the funding to make it work. We have little choice!
As a senior officer on the MCAA board over the last eight years, I have seen this Association grow by leaps and bounds. I have seen us purchase our own headquarters building, hire key staff such as an engineer and lobbyist, and create a strong image within the industry. I have been proud of our many accomplishments. I will be even more proud when we can look back several years from now and see that the hard work that we have been doing, and the work we are about to undertake, has been successful in gaining back many of our rightful markets that we once lost because we didn't come together to advance our industry.
I am honored to have served you as your president for the last two years. I want to express my appreciation to the other senior officers, our board, committee chairs and committee members, and last but not least, the MCAA staff. Thank you for the opportunity and the privilege.
Chairman’s Message Archive

November 2019
Thankful for The Little Things

October 2019
Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

September 2019
Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

August 2019
The American Dream

July 2019
2019 Legislative Conference Recap

June 2019
Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

May 2019
Doing Our Part

April 2019
Preparing for D.C.

March 2019
More Than a Little Luck

February 2019
Show Your Love For The Industry

December 2018
The Opportunities are Endless

November 2018
2018 MCAA Midyear Meeting Recap

October 2018
Every Person’s Potential

September 2018
Recent Updates

August 2018
Masonry’s Future

July 2018
An Offer You Can’t Refuse

June 2018
Worthwhile Work

May 2018
Masonry All Around

April 2018
We’re Washington Bound

March 2018
The Changing Tide And Road Ahead

February 2018
A New Beginning

January 2018
Givers Gain

December 2017
The Reason for the Season

November 2017
Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

October 2017
Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

September 2017
Learning From North Carolina

August 2017
Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

June 2017
Calculating Your Return on Investment

May 2017
Sweet Tea and Grits

April 2017
Silica, Auctions and Policy

March 2017
Things to Remember

February 2017
Looking Forward

January 2017
A Fresh Start

December 2016
Making Our Industry Stronger

November 2016
MCAA Midyear Meeting Does Not Disappoint

October 2016
Have You Made Your Pledge to the Foundation?

September 2016
Who Moved My Cheese?

August 2016
Get Ready for MCAA’s Midyear Meeting

July 2016
Making a Difference

June 2016
Southern Hospitality

May 2016
The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

April 2016
MCAA: Looking out for your interests

March 2016
Let’s share our passion!

February 2016
Thanks for letting me give back

January 2016
A week of masonry you can’t miss

December 2015
Giving back

November 2015
A successful Midyear Meeting in the Florida Keys

October 2015
Seeing the future before our eyes

September 2015
Join us for the Midyear Meeting

August 2015
The MCAA Midyear Meeting is approaching

July 2015
Spread the Word: Masonry Doesn’t Burn

June 2015
Busy on ‘The Hill’ for you

May 2015
Progress in the making

April 2015
A voice in Washington

March 2015
Another successful Convention in Vegas

February 2015
An exciting year ahead

January 2015
MCAA Convention is approaching

December 2014
Defining success

November 2014
Coming together for our industry

September 2014
Hitting the road and making a difference

August 2014
Staying busy for you

July 2014
MCAA Midyear Meeting approaching

June 2014
MCAA staying busy and making progress

May 2014
Be a voice in your industry

April 2014
The MCAA is on the move

March 2014
It’s all about helping each other

February 2014
Ready for action

January 2014

December 2013
Happy holidays

November 2013
MCAA Midyear update

October 2013
Ushering in a busy fall season

September 2013
Workforce a familiar friend

August 2013
The MCAA in D.C.

July 2013
A Lot Happening

June 2013
Eye opening

May 2013
Why not be a member?

April 2013
First South of 40 Conference

March 2013
Positive movement

February 2013
Headed to Vegas

January 2013
New beginning

December 2012
It’s finally over

November 2012
My trip to the Rockies

October 2012
The 2012 election

September 2012
Stay involved

August 2012

July 2012
Summer time

June 2012
Exciting time

May 2012
Working for you

April 2012
Join us in D.C. next month

March 2012
New beginnings

February 2012

January 2012
One more to go!

December 2011
The life of a mason contractor

November 2011
Join us in Vegas

October 2011
The Future is Around the Corner

September 2011
This ole cowboy is excited!

August 2011
As the world turns

July 2011
Update From the President

June 2011
The Strong Spirit of our Industry

May 2011
A Bright Future

April 2011
Springtime Updates from MCAA

March 2011
Tidbits From MCAA

February 2011
Time Flies By

January 2011
The MCAA Convention: A Priceless Experience

December 2010
The End of the Year

November 2010
Busy Times!

October 2010
South of 40

September 2010
Get Involved on All Levels

August 2010
What Are We Doing?

July 2010
Have a Great Summer

June 2010
Adding Dollars to the Bottom Line

May 2010
MCAA Key Accomplishments 2009-2010

May 2010
The Government is Working, 24-7

April 2010
MCAA is Working for the Mason Contractor

March 2010
Moving Forward

February 2010
A Fond Farewell

January 2010
A New Year

December 2009
Start the Year Strong

November 2009
The Greening of our Industry

October 2009
A Successful Midyear Meeting

September 2009
MCAA in D.C.

August 2009
Brick Voids

July 2009
Vision 2020 Moving Forward

June 2009
Success On The Hill

May 2009
Show Your Support Through Membership

March 2009
On a Positive Note...

February 2009
Vision 2020

February 2009
State of the Association

January 2009
The Silver Lining

December 2008
How Is Your Business Doing?

November 2008
Fastest Trowel on the Block

October 2008
Thoughts on the 2008 Election

September 2008
Industry Cooperation for Positive Change

August 2008
Networking: Not Just a Buzz Word

June 2008
Impact on the Hill

April 2008
Join Us Next Month in D.C.

March 2008
Were you at the World of Masonry in January?

February 2008
New Horizons

January 2008
State of the Association

January 2008
Thanks for an Enjoyable Term as President

December 2007
Wrapping up Another Year

November 2007
Greetings From Italy!

October 2007
MCAA, World of Masonry Join Forces

September 2007
MCAA Looking to Expand Masonry Markets

August 2007
Certification: Good Efforts and Bad Rumors

July 2007
Positive Changes on the Horizon

June 2007
MCAA Appoints New Executive Director

April 2007
Isn’t It Time You Joined With Us?

February 2007
Advancing Masonry in a Global Economy

February 2007
Certification Can Strengthen Our Markets

January 2007
A New Battle Rages in Washington

December 2006
National Initiatives Will Build a Stronger Industry

October 2006
Totally Engaged in Washington

September 2006
MCAA's Skills Competitions Create Enthusiasm for Training

August 2006
Heeding Huckabee's Call for Action

July 2006
MCAA Membership Can Pay Real Dividends

April 2006
I Can't Wait To Get Started!

February 2006
Coming Together to Expand Our Opportunities

January 2006
Strategic Planning Creates Successful Future

December 2005
The work of the Construction Industry Silica Task Force

November 2005
It's Time You Joined the MCAA

September 2005
Volunteerism Advances America and Our Industry

April 2005
Advancing the Masonry Industry

March 2005
Strong Reasons to Go to Masonry Showcase

February 2005
Contractors Taking the Promotion Initiative

January 2005
We Need Your Help!

December 2004
Elections 2004: An Interesting Political Year

November 2004
The Internet is Opening New Doors for Contractors

October 2004
Mason Contractors + Specifiers = Construct America

September 2004
Your Influence Can Impact the Election

June 2004
Stepping Up to Sell Masonry Systems

April 2004
New Challenges Await Us!

April 2004
The State of the Association

February 2004
The MCAA: Getting Plugged into Washington

January 2004
Contractors Organize to Tackle Promotion

November 2003
The Strength of Unity

September 2003
Military Construction: Traditional Masonry or Modern Design

June 2003
Partnership with CSI Benefits Industry

April 2003
Strength Through Advocacy

February 2003
A New Year, a New Congress and a New Outlook

January 2003
Masonry Showcase ... Take Your Business Further

December 2002
Let's Not Lose Sight of Training

November 2002
MCAA Is Working Hard On Your Behalf

August 2002
Phoenix ... Rising From the Ashes

July 2002
Industry Beginning To Think Together

May 2002
Industry Training at a Crossroads

April 2002
Coming Together As Contractors

March 2002
A Steadying Force in Uncertain Times

February 2002
Changing of the Guard

January 2002
Associate Members Play a Key Role in Industry

February 2000
A Half Century of Service...A Half Century of Leadership

January 2000
Fifty Years of Serving the Masonry Industry

March 1998
Our Work Awaits Us… Let Us Begin!

March 1993
Meeting the Challenges Ahead

February 1961
A Message from Stephen D. Raimo