The State of the Association
2004 Report of the President
This past year was very busy, as well as historic, for us all.
We witnessed first-hand through the reports of imbedded journalists how a modern war is waged. We all cheered when Private Jessica Lynch was rescued in a daring raid. The American Soldier was Time magazine's "Person of the Year." We fought terrorism on its own doorstep. As a nation we got a little older, but our youthful dreams were rekindled as we dreamed of Americans traveling to Mars. We continue to work hard for a better life for our families and hope for a world without terror for our children and grandchildren.
We said goodbye to some old friends, like Bob Hope, Art Carney and Katharine Hepburn. "Friends" will soon go off the air. We watched with delight as Joe Millionaire flirted with a room full of beautiful women... we should be so lucky. Trista married Ryan. Melana dumped the average guy for the good-looking Jason... my, how things still stay the same. Each week, "Fear Factor" makes us squirm as contestants eat things we can barely look at. Whatever happened to the good old programs, like "The Cosby Show," "The Carol Burnett Show" and "Cheers?" And I don't know, but I'm really starting to like "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."
We cheered for various animals like the Marlins, the Bears, the Cardinals, the Dolphins and the Broncos. But we will always be Patriots at heart. The unthinkable almost happened with the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox almost making it to the World Series after neither has won the Series for nearly a century.
California experienced a historic recall and put another actor in the Governor's Mansion. The economy began to pick up again, and we began to feel good about our future.
As an industry and association, we continue to be bold!
Never before in the history of the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) have we reached for such bold heights of achievement. While the economy and country were tenuous, we set high goals and expectations. We set these high standards because we knew that, in order to achieve great change and high reward, it was no time to be meek or conservative. We strategized at our meetings on how we could create an industry and association that challenged our members to expand their vision and their commitment to change how things had always been done, and to build an industry that might yet be.
But who to lead them? Who would be so bold as to say, "We have the vision"? Our answer has been us: the MCAA. Our unique position in this industry, and the construction industry as a whole, make our Association the one true choice to lead our industry's mason contractors.
This past year, our vision brought us to a new permanent home for our Association. The bold vision of our Board and officers and hard work by our staff helped achieve what has eluded us for decades. Today, we can be extremely proud of the accomplishment of purchasing our first national headquarters. Located in Schaumburg, Ill., our headquarters is a 9,000-sq.-ft. brick and block building that the MCAA and its members can be proud to call "home." Through generous contributions from many of our members, we purchased and significantly renovated our headquarters.
Today, the MCAA operates in two-thirds of the building, while renting out the rest of the space. This building will be home for decades to come and a pinnacle for masonry.
Legislative Advocacy
No area can impact our industry and our future faster than what happens in Washington, D.C. Two years ago, the MCAA membership responded with tremendous financial support, allowing us to hire a full-time Director of Government Affairs based in Washington, D.C. And in those short two years, we have impacted numerous issues.
One of our greatest battles is an ongoing fight to prevent OSHA's proposed silica standard. If passed, we believe this standard would cripple our industry. Had our Association not had the vision two years ago when we took a major step to expand our staff, today we would be struggling to comply with hundreds of burdensome new regulations coming from the silica standard. I am happy to report that we have been working hard to limit the impact of this standard.
Silica is only one ? albeit major ? issue that the MCAA has become very involved in passing legislation to assist our members. We have been a driving force to pass Association Health Plans that would help contractors provide affordable health insurance for their employees. We have also introduced legislation to provide contractors who train apprentices a tax credit to ease the burden of training. In addition, we have won several regulatory issues involving scaffold safety and beat back efforts to eliminate our long-standing exemption to overhand bricklaying.
While ergonomics remains one of our primary focuses, we continue to discover new federal initiatives that threaten our future as mason contractors. We will remain steadfast in protecting the interests of our members. To that end, I am happy to report that we have signed an alliance with OSHA, which we believe will build on the cooperative relationship that we have forged with them over the past two years.
Simply working with Congress and agencies to protect our interest is not enough. We have become very active in helping to elect members of Congress that share our beliefs on issues and values. This year will be a pivotal election year, and our staff and the political action committee, MACPAC, will be very busy supporting the election of pro-masonry candidates.
Advocacy Workforce Development
Over the past year, as the economy has slowed, the uproar for more masons has been tempered. But the demand for an expanded, quality workforce remains high. If our industry is going to compete for larger markets, then the need for greater numbers of well-skilled craft workers is a must. The MCAA must provide the leadership to ensure that our industry attracts and trains the labor force we need. And that leadership calls for unique ways to battle outdated methods of addressing our labor needs.
For decades, our industry has only engaged in workforce recruitment and training when our economy was booming, and even then, only after we experienced shortfalls, did we begin to act. Then we abandoned recruiting efforts when the economy slowed.
I am proud the MCAA is breaking that trend and keeping our focus on recruiting. This past year we contacted over 17,000 high schools in an attempt to place masonry vocational information in career libraries across the United States. To date, over 1,400 high schools have responded and over half of the schools have received their career information. Currently, the MCAA is soliciting sponsorship funding to ship the remaining career kits. Because of this effort, we now have a database of over 1,400 high school guidance counselors who will be contacted regularly about careers available in masonry. This high school career initiative will be a focal point of our recruitment efforts until all of our nation's 17,000 high schools have information about careers in masonry. No doubt a monumental campaign, and one that will allow our industry to attract the brightest students to our trade.
The MCAA web site is also playing a role in our recruitment and training efforts. Today, nearly 100 masonry training programs are listed on our career site where interested people can find the masonry training facility closest to their homes. The nation's high schools can also refer to our site to direct students to the nearest facility to gather more information about training opportunities.
Our Masonry Skills Challenge continues to create local interest in apprenticeship training. The Skills Challenge will play an expanded role in 2005 as we partner with the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). We believe that, as the 9,000 specifier attendees at CSI's Construct America view our Skills Challenge, we will be able to convince our customers that masonry is serious about training and that we employ quality craft workers capable of building their projects if they design with masonry.
Codes & Standards
I am very proud of MCAA's efforts to provide much needed contractor leadership in developing favorable building codes and standards. This past year, we finally produced the long-awaited "Design Manual for Masonry Wall Bracing," which is rapidly becoming a must-have book for serious mason contractors. The MCAA has also become a leading advocate for mason contractors in both the Masonry Standard Joint Committee and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
There have been a number of important changes in the codes and standards that affect contractors nationwide. Because of our technical influence, most of these changes have been to our benefit rather than our detriment.
Currently, one of the largest issues facing the masonry industry is the maximum steel reinforcement problem. The MCAA is supporting research that could completely change the way masonry is designed. This will allow architects and engineers the ability to more easily design with masonry, which will in turn increase masonry's market share in the construction industry.
In three short years, we have gone from no voice to the leading voice of technical issues for the mason contractor. We have our people in key positions on executive boards, technical organizations and committees throughout the masonry industry. Our influence over masonry codes and standards has never been greater and will continue to grow as our organization grows.
Advocacy in Masonry Promotions
Millions of dollars are spent each year by our industry to promote masonry materials, such as brick, block and stone. Yet, our industry customers search for a single source of quality information to help them design masonry systems and to cut through all of the confusion in dealing with our industry. The MCAA is best suited in providing this single source of information and to develop customer relationships built on trust over time.
Providing that leadership, the MCAA is working in conjunction with 16 of our local affiliate associations in developing a national campaign to provide customers with information on designing masonry systems. This two-part campaign includes a new web site called, where customers can find easy-to-use information on designing with masonry. The information on this site will include design details, mold, LEEDS, fire safety, public safety, lifecycle costs, sample model ordinances for specifying masonry in local communities and a comparison of masonry versus competitive systems. We believe will become the single source for municipalities, school boards and other customer groups for masonry education.
In the second part of this campaign, the MCAA ? along with the Executives Council ? is seeking a national ad campaign in roughly 10 industry publications, such as Architecture, Constructor and American School Board Journal, to promote and direct designers and customers to the site.
Never before has our industry witnessed such a dynamic contractor-driven effort to promote masonry. As this campaign gains momentum and financial support, the future for masonry will continue to grow with it. I would like to personally thank the local executives and their association boards for taking on this tremendous challenge and providing the leadership to secure our industry's future.
In addition to the joint national campaign, MCAA established a directive at last year's Annual Meeting to expand our own Association's web site, at Today, the MCAA web site has grown into a highly informative resource that attracts over 2.5 million hits annually. Our membership can be proud of this site and the useful information that can be found on it. I am confident that this site will continue to grow in its influence and importance to the MCAA.
This month at the CSI Show, a special edition of Masonry magazine will be distributed to every attendee. This special edition will expose our industry's customers with the unique design features and flexibility of our system. I am very proud of the extreme quality of Masonry magazine, which has become the dominant industry publication.
This past April, our Association signed an agreement to co-locate Masonry Showcase alongside the Construction Specifications Institute Show at Construct America, beginning in April 2005. This new partnership between MCAA and CSI will allow our Association to market masonry more broadly to members of the CSI and their 10,000 specifier attendees, and MCAA will now become an integral partner in a major national trade show.
Last, but certainly not least, the MCAA will be introducing the "Masonry: It Makes A Village" program at the 2005 Masonry Showcase at Construct America. Developed by the Masonry Institute of Washington, this event is a contest between teams of architects and contractors. Each team must design and then build a unique masonry project, one that could be found in a village.
Throughout 2004, roughly 10 local "Masonry: It Makes A Village" contests will take place. The winning teams from each contest will then travel to the Masonry Showcase and Construct America shows to compete for an international title. The 2005 contest will be judged by both mason contractors and CSI attendees. I ask you all to think about the impact this contest will have on our industry when 10,000 architects and specifier attendees at Construct America view and judge our contest. The possibilities are immense.
Like codes and standards, workforce development and legislative advocacy, the MCAA is clearly providing leadership in masonry promotion. And I know that in the coming years, MCAA's efforts will continue to grow in this important area.
Strategic Planning for the Future
When I was first elected as a senior officer of the Association eight years ago, the MCAA was rapidly beginning to grow in its service and leadership to the industry's mason contractors. During the past eight years, the Association has added four key staff members and changed many functions, especially how we govern the MCAA. Today, our Association is guided by a member-developed, long-range strategic plan, and our Board meetings have become virtual planning sessions where members and Association staff continually revise and expand our strategic planning. Most importantly, we seek to expand the influence and effectiveness of the MCAA and our membership.
Our strategic plan has challenged the MCAA Board and committees to work together and put aside differences with our allied partners for the advancement of our collective interests.
We have partnered with customer groups, such as CSI and its Construct America. We have cooperatively worked with industry groups, such as the International Masonry Institute (IMI), in codes and standards, as well as government affairs. We will conduct a joint masonry industry legislative conference with the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA) in the spring of 2005.
Although our long-range strategic plan has placed an increased financial burden on our members, it is allowing the Association to become a serious advocate for change. I am most proud of my fellow members who have responded to our increased request for financial support. We could not have achieved so much without your assistance.
At this year's convention, we have elected a new President who will take over the stewardship of the Association. I know that the Association will be in good hands to continue our growth of influence.
I can't believe how fast the last two years have gone. It has been an unbelievable honor to serve you these past two years as MCAA's President. I would like to personally thank the Board of Directors, and most importantly my fellow officers and the MCAA staff who have made my job so easy.
I will step down and join fellow Past Presidents, such as Bill Dentinger, Don Grant, Dick Felice, Lenny Pardue, Dick Matthews, Don Larson and Mike Johnston, who continue to provide leadership and guidance to the Association long after their terms have expired.
Thank you.
Chairman’s Message Archive

November 2019
Thankful for The Little Things

October 2019
Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

September 2019
Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

August 2019
The American Dream

July 2019
2019 Legislative Conference Recap

June 2019
Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

May 2019
Doing Our Part

April 2019
Preparing for D.C.

March 2019
More Than a Little Luck

February 2019
Show Your Love For The Industry

December 2018
The Opportunities are Endless

November 2018
2018 MCAA Midyear Meeting Recap

October 2018
Every Person’s Potential

September 2018
Recent Updates

August 2018
Masonry’s Future

July 2018
An Offer You Can’t Refuse

June 2018
Worthwhile Work

May 2018
Masonry All Around

April 2018
We’re Washington Bound

March 2018
The Changing Tide And Road Ahead

February 2018
A New Beginning

January 2018
Givers Gain

December 2017
The Reason for the Season

November 2017
Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

October 2017
Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

September 2017
Learning From North Carolina

August 2017
Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

June 2017
Calculating Your Return on Investment

May 2017
Sweet Tea and Grits

April 2017
Silica, Auctions and Policy

March 2017
Things to Remember

February 2017
Looking Forward

January 2017
A Fresh Start

December 2016
Making Our Industry Stronger

November 2016
MCAA Midyear Meeting Does Not Disappoint

October 2016
Have You Made Your Pledge to the Foundation?

September 2016
Who Moved My Cheese?

August 2016
Get Ready for MCAA’s Midyear Meeting

July 2016
Making a Difference

June 2016
Southern Hospitality

May 2016
The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

April 2016
MCAA: Looking out for your interests

March 2016
Let’s share our passion!

February 2016
Thanks for letting me give back

January 2016
A week of masonry you can’t miss

December 2015
Giving back

November 2015
A successful Midyear Meeting in the Florida Keys

October 2015
Seeing the future before our eyes

September 2015
Join us for the Midyear Meeting

August 2015
The MCAA Midyear Meeting is approaching

July 2015
Spread the Word: Masonry Doesn’t Burn

June 2015
Busy on ‘The Hill’ for you

May 2015
Progress in the making

April 2015
A voice in Washington

March 2015
Another successful Convention in Vegas

February 2015
An exciting year ahead

January 2015
MCAA Convention is approaching

December 2014
Defining success

November 2014
Coming together for our industry

September 2014
Hitting the road and making a difference

August 2014
Staying busy for you

July 2014
MCAA Midyear Meeting approaching

June 2014
MCAA staying busy and making progress

May 2014
Be a voice in your industry

April 2014
The MCAA is on the move

March 2014
It’s all about helping each other

February 2014
Ready for action

January 2014

December 2013
Happy holidays

November 2013
MCAA Midyear update

October 2013
Ushering in a busy fall season

September 2013
Workforce a familiar friend

August 2013
The MCAA in D.C.

July 2013
A Lot Happening

June 2013
Eye opening

May 2013
Why not be a member?

April 2013
First South of 40 Conference

March 2013
Positive movement

February 2013
Headed to Vegas

January 2013
New beginning

December 2012
It’s finally over

November 2012
My trip to the Rockies

October 2012
The 2012 election

September 2012
Stay involved

August 2012

July 2012
Summer time

June 2012
Exciting time

May 2012
Working for you

April 2012
Join us in D.C. next month

March 2012
New beginnings

February 2012

January 2012
One more to go!

December 2011
The life of a mason contractor

November 2011
Join us in Vegas

October 2011
The Future is Around the Corner

September 2011
This ole cowboy is excited!

August 2011
As the world turns

July 2011
Update From the President

June 2011
The Strong Spirit of our Industry

May 2011
A Bright Future

April 2011
Springtime Updates from MCAA

March 2011
Tidbits From MCAA

February 2011
Time Flies By

January 2011
The MCAA Convention: A Priceless Experience

December 2010
The End of the Year

November 2010
Busy Times!

October 2010
South of 40

September 2010
Get Involved on All Levels

August 2010
What Are We Doing?

July 2010
Have a Great Summer

June 2010
Adding Dollars to the Bottom Line

May 2010
MCAA Key Accomplishments 2009-2010

May 2010
The Government is Working, 24-7

April 2010
MCAA is Working for the Mason Contractor

March 2010
Moving Forward

February 2010
A Fond Farewell

January 2010
A New Year

December 2009
Start the Year Strong

November 2009
The Greening of our Industry

October 2009
A Successful Midyear Meeting

September 2009
MCAA in D.C.

August 2009
Brick Voids

July 2009
Vision 2020 Moving Forward

June 2009
Success On The Hill

May 2009
Show Your Support Through Membership

March 2009
On a Positive Note...

February 2009
Vision 2020

February 2009
State of the Association

January 2009
The Silver Lining

December 2008
How Is Your Business Doing?

November 2008
Fastest Trowel on the Block

October 2008
Thoughts on the 2008 Election

September 2008
Industry Cooperation for Positive Change

August 2008
Networking: Not Just a Buzz Word

June 2008
Impact on the Hill

April 2008
Join Us Next Month in D.C.

March 2008
Were you at the World of Masonry in January?

February 2008
New Horizons

January 2008
State of the Association

January 2008
Thanks for an Enjoyable Term as President

December 2007
Wrapping up Another Year

November 2007
Greetings From Italy!

October 2007
MCAA, World of Masonry Join Forces

September 2007
MCAA Looking to Expand Masonry Markets

August 2007
Certification: Good Efforts and Bad Rumors

July 2007
Positive Changes on the Horizon

June 2007
MCAA Appoints New Executive Director

April 2007
Isn’t It Time You Joined With Us?

February 2007
Advancing Masonry in a Global Economy

February 2007
Certification Can Strengthen Our Markets

January 2007
A New Battle Rages in Washington

December 2006
National Initiatives Will Build a Stronger Industry

October 2006
Totally Engaged in Washington

September 2006
MCAA's Skills Competitions Create Enthusiasm for Training

August 2006
Heeding Huckabee's Call for Action

July 2006
MCAA Membership Can Pay Real Dividends

April 2006
I Can't Wait To Get Started!

March 2006
Coming Together to Advance the Industry

February 2006
Coming Together to Expand Our Opportunities

January 2006
Strategic Planning Creates Successful Future

December 2005
The work of the Construction Industry Silica Task Force

November 2005
It's Time You Joined the MCAA

September 2005
Volunteerism Advances America and Our Industry

April 2005
Advancing the Masonry Industry

March 2005
Strong Reasons to Go to Masonry Showcase

February 2005
Contractors Taking the Promotion Initiative

January 2005
We Need Your Help!

December 2004
Elections 2004: An Interesting Political Year

November 2004
The Internet is Opening New Doors for Contractors

October 2004
Mason Contractors + Specifiers = Construct America

September 2004
Your Influence Can Impact the Election

June 2004
Stepping Up to Sell Masonry Systems

April 2004
New Challenges Await Us!

February 2004
The MCAA: Getting Plugged into Washington

January 2004
Contractors Organize to Tackle Promotion

November 2003
The Strength of Unity

September 2003
Military Construction: Traditional Masonry or Modern Design

June 2003
Partnership with CSI Benefits Industry

April 2003
Strength Through Advocacy

February 2003
A New Year, a New Congress and a New Outlook

January 2003
Masonry Showcase ... Take Your Business Further

December 2002
Let's Not Lose Sight of Training

November 2002
MCAA Is Working Hard On Your Behalf

August 2002
Phoenix ... Rising From the Ashes

July 2002
Industry Beginning To Think Together

May 2002
Industry Training at a Crossroads

April 2002
Coming Together As Contractors

March 2002
A Steadying Force in Uncertain Times

February 2002
Changing of the Guard

January 2002
Associate Members Play a Key Role in Industry

February 2000
A Half Century of Service...A Half Century of Leadership

January 2000
Fifty Years of Serving the Masonry Industry

March 1998
Our Work Awaits Us… Let Us Begin!

March 1993
Meeting the Challenges Ahead

February 1961
A Message from Stephen D. Raimo