Strength Through Advocacy
2003 Report of the President
What a truly remarkable year this past one has been. As a nation, our strength of character has rarely been tested as it was in 2002.
We endured the long healing process that began the day after the September 11th attacks. We have been introduced to multicolored threat warnings alerting us to the possibility of imminent danger. We were in awe of what America can become as shown by the determination and spirit of those men and women who rebuilt the destroyed Pentagon less than one year after the brutal attack, an unbelievable accomplishment.
Now, we face the promise that comes with a newly elected Congress while at the same time, as an industry, we cope with the uncertainties of an ailing economy. Rarely before have we experienced a President so unwavering and determined to protect Americans from such brutal attacks from a hidden enemy as we experienced just eighteen months ago. Regardless of politics, we must marvel at such dedication and leadership even in the face of growing discontent from those few Americans who chose to ignore history and seek to turn the other cheek regardless of future costs.
Leadership is more than a word loosely thrown around. In my mind, true leadership is a total conviction in a vision of a future ? and a focus and determination to endure the hardships that are faced on the long road to that envisioned future. Since becoming president of the Mason Contractors Association of America, a day doesn't go by that I don't marvel at the strength of character that President Bush must possess to be so steadfast in his beliefs and vision. To stand firm when the voices of discontent engulf you is truly remarkable.
As an association, we have stepped forward to provide the leadership that has been so lacking in our industry. Few argued that the need for true leadership existed, yet as we offered a vision for the future, many in our industry challenged our vision. For decades, the masonry industry lamented the loss of markets coming from the splintered nature of our industry. Those that led before us failed to build a cohesive industry capable of growing masonry's market share in the construction industry.
The MCAA stepped forward to fill the leadership void only to be welcomed with dissension and skepticism by those who should be allied with us. Clearly we have been tested, but those tests have hardened us and sharpened our vision for the future. That sharpened focus has enabled our association to achieve many accomplishments this past year while setting even bolder goals for the future.
Representing Your Interests
As mason contractors, we contend with tremendous external pressures impacting our business and our profitability. Winning jobs at a fair price, securing a skilled workforce, adhering to ever changing building codes and standards, getting paid on time or in some cases getting paid at all, challenge the very survival of our businesses. But no impact is as great, as fast, and as unforgiving as that of government intervention. As contractors, we know all too well the burden incurred on our businesses by increasing taxes. Add to that the arbitrary effects of increasing government regulations from agencies such as OSHA and its affect on our bottom-line is equally as devastating. As a Board, we looked into the near future and saw looming on the horizon still greater impacts to our livelihood from possible ergonomics and silica standards and we knew that something needed to be done.
This past year, through the support of our members through a dues increase, the MCAA hired a full-time Director of Government Affairs, based in Washington, D.C., who is representing our interests in our nation's capital. Through the efforts of our lobbyist, the MCAA has already established a presence not only in the halls of Congress, but in federal agencies and departments as well. We have begun dialogue with agencies such as OSHA with regard to issues such as ergonomics and other far-reaching initiatives that can devastate our industry.
We have met with the Department of Education and Treasury to discuss workforce development issues and tax incentives to assist us in expanding our labor force to meet future needs. We have met with key members of Congress to advocate legislation that will assist us as small business owners in vital areas such as tax relief, healthcare reform and prompt pay.
Assuring that our voice as an association and as an industry is heard, we have become active in the past election and played a role in electing four U.S. Senators who were instrumental in gaining a pro-small business majority in the Congress. Two specific contests that our association's political action committee, MACPAC, helped were Jim Talent's race in Missouri and Norm Coleman's in Minnesota. For the first time, our political action committee not only gave significant contributions but we became active in "get-out-the-vote" efforts in those races. It's those voter turnout campaigns that have a tremendous impact, especially in close elections.
We can no longer sit idly by and hope that candidates friendly to our positions will win their elections. As an association, we must insure that the 17,000 mason contracting firms and their more than 190,000 employees have the information to make educated decisions about who the best candidates are who will support the masonry industry.
The MCAA will become diligent in seeking the active support of every mason contractor. At previous MCAA meetings, we heard reports that in the last several national elections, less than 10,000 votes determined the control over the U.S. Congress. Clearly our industry's 17,000 contractors and 190,000 employees can have a say in who wins the next election and what issues will be voted on in Washington. By openly advocating our issues and mobilizing our industry we will gain the strength through advocacy to bring change to Washington that will ensure the survival of our industry.
The challenge will be great but we must remain diligent. For too long, our industry has lacked unity of purpose. Too many local mason contractor organizations remain uncommitted to the MCAA. Too many lack the vision of how strong our industry can truly be if we simply work together. Many remain focused on local issues and resist a direct alliance with the national association. As an industry, we must rise above this pettiness that divides us and work to bring our industry together under one umbrella – the umbrella of the MCAA. I call on every local association to support the MCAA to the fullest so we can advocate our industry's position in our nation's capital through the strength of a single purpose.
Masonry Industry Council
MCAA's commitment to unify the industry runs greater than just bringing together our contractors. We have been a driving force behind the emergence of the Masonry Industry Council, an industry board of directors whose purpose is to unite the actions of the industry to more effectively compete with alternate systems.
Through our urging, MIC conducted a two-day long-range strategic planning session where the officers of the MCAA, the National Concrete Masonry Association, the Brick Industry Association, the Portland Cement Association and the International Masonry Institute came together to map out a long range strategic plan for the entire masonry industry.
This was a tremendous first step toward putting an end to the divisiveness that has allowed our industry's competitors to flourish. While our efforts thus far are minimal, the mere fact that we are coming together to identify competitive issues is a strong step toward solving our industry's problems, now and in the future. Every journey begins with a first step, and we have taken a big first step.
Our New Association Home
For over twenty-five years, we have discussed the possibility of investing in our long-term future by owning our own headquarters. This past year, through the hard work of our staff and Board and through the generous contributions of our members and key chapters, we realized the dream of establishing a permanent home for our association in Schaumburg, Ill. Our new headquarters gives us the flexibility for growth while helping to ensure the long-term financial health of the MCAA.
Today, we are in the process of a major renovation of the interior of the headquarters that we believe will truly make it a showpiece for the association. In addition, our plans are to make our headquarters a hub of activity with association meetings and educational offerings.
Insuring Your Future
Of utmost concern for our association and that of our industry is to elect a pro-masonry Congress. While we have begun the long journey to being able to influence legislation and regulations coming out of Washington D.C., we must focus our efforts to helping those candidates that support our issues.
The MCAA became involved in this effort last fall when we helped candidates for the U.S. Senate, such as Jim Talent's bid for the Senate from Missouri and Norm Coleman's race for the Senate in Minnesota. Our support, financial as well as our get-out-the-vote efforts, helped these pro-masonry candidates win their Senate races.
Our goal these next two years is to raise nearly $100,000 for our political activities. Through MACPAC we will be able to help over one hundred candidates for federal office in the 2004 elections. Without a well-funded MACPAC, our efforts will be minimized and ineffective. We simply must insure that we have the resources to guarantee that a pro-masonry Congress will be elected.
Fighting for Favorable Codes &. Standards
While we have become very successful over the past several years in advancing the interests of our members in the code arena, we must remain diligent in our efforts in the future. Few areas are as volatile as the code arena. Our industry's competitors are constantly advancing code changes that seek to give a competitive advantage to their materials to the detriment of masonry. While we have effective full time staff representation, as contractors we must lend our support by attending code meetings to offer our testimony when code changes are considered.
Promoting the Use of Masonry
As mason contractors, we are in a unique position to promote masonry. We deal directly with owners and other masonry customers almost on a daily basis. We don't care what type of masonry our customers seek, we can install it all. Since we are in this unique position, it makes sense that our association takes a lead role in promoting our systems.
We have called on our Marketing and Education Chairmen to develop campaigns to promote a greater use of masonry. From the development of a national cost guide to a drastically expanded website, the MCAA is becoming a single source reference for our customers ? a single source for education, technical assistance and knowledge on our system. For decades, our customers have expressed their frustration over how difficult and cumbersome it is to do business with masonry. By becoming a single source for our customers we will alleviate the barriers to specifying masonry.
Our promotional efforts are not limited to traditional methods for masonry promotion. As President of the MCAA, I am excited to report a brand new initiative that we are about to undertake that your Board of Directors believes will have staggering promotional success. The MCAA has been in negotiations with representative of the Construction Specifications Institute over a possible partnership between our trade shows. I am happy to report that beginning in April of 2005 MCAA and Masonry Showcase will be co-located in The Construction Specifications Institute's (CSI) Construct America. Our show will become a major partner and we will represent the masonry pavilion at Construct America. Our exhibits, two skills competitions and educational offerings will educate the nearly 17,000 architects, specifiers, general contractors, facility managers and owners that attend Construct America. We are extremely excited about our new partnership with CSI.
Finally, as contractors we will not only receive the benefits of attending Masonry Showcase, for the first time we will be able to enjoy the additional benefit of attending a show where we can network with our customers. Not only will you be able to enjoy the savings to your business from attending the Masonry Showcase, but you can now get work as well.
Your Board will be traveling to Chicago this month to attend the 2003 CSI Construct America Show where we expect to participate in a formal contract signing solidifying our partnership with CSI. The possibilities are endless.
Keeping a Focus on Training
While our need for more masons has temporarily diminished with the softening economy, we must continue to focus on building the conduit from our nation's high schools to a career in masonry. Under the direction of our Training Committee we have already begun to achieve our goal of placing masonry career information into our nation's nearly 18,000 high schools.
As aggressive as this goal is, our nation's students cannot consider careers in masonry unless they are exposed to it. In addition to placing career information in our nation's high schools, we will seek to establish masonry pre-apprentice classes in high schools throughout the country as well. These comprehensive goals will enable our industry to be a career of choice and not a career of desperation.
My friends and fellow members, we have achieved so much during such troubling times. We have asked more from our members this past year than at any other time and you have responded. We have never been in such a strong position to impact our future as we are today. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Mason Contractors Association of America, thank you for your support and trust.
On a more personal note, thank you for the privilege you have presented to me to serve as your President. I am excited about what we will achieve this coming year. With your continued support, the possibilities are endless.
Thank you.
Chairman’s Message Archive

November 2019
Thankful for The Little Things

October 2019
Here’s to Another Successful Midyear 2019

September 2019
Texas Masonry Council: The Legacy

August 2019
The American Dream

July 2019
2019 Legislative Conference Recap

June 2019
Safety Doesn’t Happen on Accident

May 2019
Doing Our Part

April 2019
Preparing for D.C.

March 2019
More Than a Little Luck

February 2019
Show Your Love For The Industry

December 2018
The Opportunities are Endless

November 2018
2018 MCAA Midyear Meeting Recap

October 2018
Every Person’s Potential

September 2018
Recent Updates

August 2018
Masonry’s Future

July 2018
An Offer You Can’t Refuse

June 2018
Worthwhile Work

May 2018
Masonry All Around

April 2018
We’re Washington Bound

March 2018
The Changing Tide And Road Ahead

February 2018
A New Beginning

January 2018
Givers Gain

December 2017
The Reason for the Season

November 2017
Always, Always, Always Something To Be Thankful For

October 2017
Another Exciting Midyear Meeting

September 2017
Learning From North Carolina

August 2017
Let’s Help Close The Skills Gap

June 2017
Calculating Your Return on Investment

May 2017
Sweet Tea and Grits

April 2017
Silica, Auctions and Policy

March 2017
Things to Remember

February 2017
Looking Forward

January 2017
A Fresh Start

December 2016
Making Our Industry Stronger

November 2016
MCAA Midyear Meeting Does Not Disappoint

October 2016
Have You Made Your Pledge to the Foundation?

September 2016
Who Moved My Cheese?

August 2016
Get Ready for MCAA’s Midyear Meeting

July 2016
Making a Difference

June 2016
Southern Hospitality

May 2016
The 2016 MCAA Legislative Conference

April 2016
MCAA: Looking out for your interests

March 2016
Let’s share our passion!

February 2016
Thanks for letting me give back

January 2016
A week of masonry you can’t miss

December 2015
Giving back

November 2015
A successful Midyear Meeting in the Florida Keys

October 2015
Seeing the future before our eyes

September 2015
Join us for the Midyear Meeting

August 2015
The MCAA Midyear Meeting is approaching

July 2015
Spread the Word: Masonry Doesn’t Burn

June 2015
Busy on ‘The Hill’ for you

May 2015
Progress in the making

April 2015
A voice in Washington

March 2015
Another successful Convention in Vegas

February 2015
An exciting year ahead

January 2015
MCAA Convention is approaching

December 2014
Defining success

November 2014
Coming together for our industry

September 2014
Hitting the road and making a difference

August 2014
Staying busy for you

July 2014
MCAA Midyear Meeting approaching

June 2014
MCAA staying busy and making progress

May 2014
Be a voice in your industry

April 2014
The MCAA is on the move

March 2014
It’s all about helping each other

February 2014
Ready for action

January 2014

December 2013
Happy holidays

November 2013
MCAA Midyear update

October 2013
Ushering in a busy fall season

September 2013
Workforce a familiar friend

August 2013
The MCAA in D.C.

July 2013
A Lot Happening

June 2013
Eye opening

May 2013
Why not be a member?

April 2013
First South of 40 Conference

March 2013
Positive movement

February 2013
Headed to Vegas

January 2013
New beginning

December 2012
It’s finally over

November 2012
My trip to the Rockies

October 2012
The 2012 election

September 2012
Stay involved

August 2012

July 2012
Summer time

June 2012
Exciting time

May 2012
Working for you

April 2012
Join us in D.C. next month

March 2012
New beginnings

February 2012

January 2012
One more to go!

December 2011
The life of a mason contractor

November 2011
Join us in Vegas

October 2011
The Future is Around the Corner

September 2011
This ole cowboy is excited!

August 2011
As the world turns

July 2011
Update From the President

June 2011
The Strong Spirit of our Industry

May 2011
A Bright Future

April 2011
Springtime Updates from MCAA

March 2011
Tidbits From MCAA

February 2011
Time Flies By

January 2011
The MCAA Convention: A Priceless Experience

December 2010
The End of the Year

November 2010
Busy Times!

October 2010
South of 40

September 2010
Get Involved on All Levels

August 2010
What Are We Doing?

July 2010
Have a Great Summer

June 2010
Adding Dollars to the Bottom Line

May 2010
MCAA Key Accomplishments 2009-2010

May 2010
The Government is Working, 24-7

April 2010
MCAA is Working for the Mason Contractor

March 2010
Moving Forward

February 2010
A Fond Farewell

January 2010
A New Year

December 2009
Start the Year Strong

November 2009
The Greening of our Industry

October 2009
A Successful Midyear Meeting

September 2009
MCAA in D.C.

August 2009
Brick Voids

July 2009
Vision 2020 Moving Forward

June 2009
Success On The Hill

May 2009
Show Your Support Through Membership

March 2009
On a Positive Note...

February 2009
Vision 2020

February 2009
State of the Association

January 2009
The Silver Lining

December 2008
How Is Your Business Doing?

November 2008
Fastest Trowel on the Block

October 2008
Thoughts on the 2008 Election

September 2008
Industry Cooperation for Positive Change

August 2008
Networking: Not Just a Buzz Word

June 2008
Impact on the Hill

April 2008
Join Us Next Month in D.C.

March 2008
Were you at the World of Masonry in January?

February 2008
New Horizons

January 2008
State of the Association

January 2008
Thanks for an Enjoyable Term as President

December 2007
Wrapping up Another Year

November 2007
Greetings From Italy!

October 2007
MCAA, World of Masonry Join Forces

September 2007
MCAA Looking to Expand Masonry Markets

August 2007
Certification: Good Efforts and Bad Rumors

July 2007
Positive Changes on the Horizon

June 2007
MCAA Appoints New Executive Director

April 2007
Isn’t It Time You Joined With Us?

February 2007
Advancing Masonry in a Global Economy

February 2007
Certification Can Strengthen Our Markets

January 2007
A New Battle Rages in Washington

December 2006
National Initiatives Will Build a Stronger Industry

October 2006
Totally Engaged in Washington

September 2006
MCAA's Skills Competitions Create Enthusiasm for Training

August 2006
Heeding Huckabee's Call for Action

July 2006
MCAA Membership Can Pay Real Dividends

April 2006
I Can't Wait To Get Started!

March 2006
Coming Together to Advance the Industry

February 2006
Coming Together to Expand Our Opportunities

January 2006
Strategic Planning Creates Successful Future

December 2005
The work of the Construction Industry Silica Task Force

November 2005
It's Time You Joined the MCAA

September 2005
Volunteerism Advances America and Our Industry

April 2005
Advancing the Masonry Industry

March 2005
Strong Reasons to Go to Masonry Showcase

February 2005
Contractors Taking the Promotion Initiative

January 2005
We Need Your Help!

December 2004
Elections 2004: An Interesting Political Year

November 2004
The Internet is Opening New Doors for Contractors

October 2004
Mason Contractors + Specifiers = Construct America

September 2004
Your Influence Can Impact the Election

June 2004
Stepping Up to Sell Masonry Systems

April 2004
New Challenges Await Us!

April 2004
The State of the Association

February 2004
The MCAA: Getting Plugged into Washington

January 2004
Contractors Organize to Tackle Promotion

November 2003
The Strength of Unity

September 2003
Military Construction: Traditional Masonry or Modern Design

June 2003
Partnership with CSI Benefits Industry

February 2003
A New Year, a New Congress and a New Outlook

January 2003
Masonry Showcase ... Take Your Business Further

December 2002
Let's Not Lose Sight of Training

November 2002
MCAA Is Working Hard On Your Behalf

August 2002
Phoenix ... Rising From the Ashes

July 2002
Industry Beginning To Think Together

May 2002
Industry Training at a Crossroads

April 2002
Coming Together As Contractors

March 2002
A Steadying Force in Uncertain Times

February 2002
Changing of the Guard

January 2002
Associate Members Play a Key Role in Industry

February 2000
A Half Century of Service...A Half Century of Leadership

January 2000
Fifty Years of Serving the Masonry Industry

March 1998
Our Work Awaits Us… Let Us Begin!

March 1993
Meeting the Challenges Ahead

February 1961
A Message from Stephen D. Raimo