Joshua J. Summers, SE, PE
Joshua J. Summers is a principal structural engineer at Building Technology Consultants, PC. Summers has evaluated and developed repair designs for numerous masonry building components. These projects have included both solid- and cavity wall construction with brick, CMU, terra cotta, limestone and clay tile materials.
2 articles by Joshua J. Summers, SE, PE:
Air Barriers, Vapor Retarders and Weather-resistive Barriers: Are They All the Same?

Joshua J. Summers, SE, PE, and Kami Farahmandpour, PE, RRC, CCS, CCCA, follow-up their April flashing feature with an examination of air barriers, water-resistant barriers and vapor retarders. Full story
Flushing Out Flashing Basics

Flashing is a crucial component in modern masonry walls. It provides a collection and drainage system and also serves to prevent water penetration. Full story