Apprentices Showcased at MASONRY MADNESS®
First, second and third year apprentices competed in the 2019 MCAA Masonry Skills Challenge
The twentieth annual MCAA Masonry Skills Challenge, held January 23, 2019 during MASONRY MADNESS® and the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas, showcased the best apprentices our industry has to offer.
The MCAA’s Masonry Skills Challenge is a competition of masonry apprentices in first, second and third year skill levels. The contest is a showcase for skills training in the masonry industry, challenging winning apprentices from regional U.S. and foreign competitions to determine the top masonry apprentice at each level. This exciting competition spotlights our industry’s finest young masons and focuses attention on careers in the masonry industry.
Each contestant was presented with a project drawing appropriate to their skill level just moments before the competition began. Contestants only had three hours to construct the project based on the materials provided. The final projects looked great; the apprentices should be very proud of their three hours of hard work. The judges were impressed with the quality of the apprentices’ construction, and had the tough decision of choosing the winners.
The top-placing contestants for each skill level were:

First Year Apprentices
First Place
Mason LovellLovell’s Masonry
Columbia, Tenn.
Second Place
Grant HelmsHelms Masonry, Inc.
Mt. Pleasant, N.C.
Third Place
Jacob BrooksSutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, Ariz.

Second Year Apprentices
First Place
Jamison HuntleyHuntley Brothers Co., Inc.
Monroe, N.C.
Second Place
Joseph HiteHarris Masonry, Inc.
Third Place
Mitch KittingerOhio-Kentucky Administrative District Council
Amherst, Ohio

Third Year Apprentices
First Place
Tyler HackBAC 4 IN/KY Apprenticeship Program
Merrillville, Ind.
Second Place
Jonathan WeiningerOhio-Kentucky Administrative District Council
Amherst, Ohio
Third Place
Josue SosaRanch Masonry, Inc.
All winners received trophies, cash prizes, and Marshalltown Company tool bags and tools. First place winners also received engraved trowels from Marshalltown Company and boots from Iron Age Footwear. All contestants received a level from competition sponsor Stabila, a GROUT GRUNT masonry scoop, hats from Bon Tool, and additional prizes.
The Mason Contractors Association of America would like to thank the judges from across the country for donating their time and expertise:
- Al Herndon, Florida Masonry Apprentice and Educational Foundation; Green Cove Springs, Fla.
- Joe Bonifate, Arch Masonry & Restoration; Pittsburgh
- James Brylowski, Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local 2 MI; Lansing, Mich.
- John Chrysler, Masonry Institute of America; Torrance, Calif.
- Daniel Flores, BAC 4 IN/KY Apprenticeship; Warsaw, Ind.
- Curtis Hoover, Anne Arundel County Publi Schools; Severn, Md.
- James Hoskinson, Lang Masonry & Restoration Contractors; Waterford, Ohio
- Daniel Hurley, Fraco; Baltimore
- John Jacob, J. Construction Co., Inc.; Cincinnati
- Dave Jaykins, Sargon Masonry Construction; Phoenix
- Eugene Johnson, Johnsons & Son Masonry; Holly Hill, S.C.
- Alonza Lewis; Columbia, S.C.
- David Malone, BAC Local 1 MN/ND; New Hope, Minn.
- Milton McGinnis, Vallejo Masonry; Vallejo, Calif.
- Reno Montoya, Bormon Construction, Inc.; Destin, Fla.
- Isaac Peterson, Masonry Arts Inc.; Bessemer, Ala.
- John Slama, BAC Local 1 MN/ND; New Hope, Minn.
- Mike Summers, Top Quality Masonry; Phoenix
- Ashton White, Gates Construction; Mooresville, N.C.
- Rick Williams, Williams and Sons Masonry, Inc.; El Cajon, Calif.
- Paula Wight, Bon Tool; Gibsonia, Pa.
- Jason Young, Ollier Masonry Inc.; Batesville, Ind.
Competition Sponsors
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC)
- International Masonry Institute (IMI)
- Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA)
- Stabila
- AZ Best Block
- The Belden Brick Company
Prize Donations
- Beeline Purchasing, LLC
- The Belden Brick Company
- Bon Tool
- Iron Age Footwear
- Marshalltown Company
- Stabila
MCAA Strategic Partners
- Amerimix
- EZG Manufacturing
- Federated Insurance
- Fraco Products, Ltd.
- Hohmann and Barnard, Inc.
- Husqvarna Construction Products
- Hydro Mobile
- iQ Power Tools
- Kennison Forest Products, Inc.
- Mortar Net Solutions
- Non-Stop Scaffolding
- Southwest Scaffolding
- Stabila
- Trademen’s Software, Inc.
About the MCAA’s Masonry Skills Challenge
The Masonry Skills Challenge is hosted annually by the MCAA as part of MASONRY MADNESS® during the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas. This exciting competition highlights our industry’s finest young masons and focuses attention on careers in the masonry industry.The 2020 MCAA Masonry Skills Challenge will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2020 during the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas.
For more information about the competition, please visit
About the Author
The Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) is the national trade association representing mason contractors. The MCAA is committed to preserving and promoting the masonry industry by providing continuing education, advocating fair codes and standards, fostering a safe work environment, recruiting future manpower, and marketing the benefits of masonry materials.