ASU Sigmon Design Competition 2013
Stell and Washington named winners
By Lynn Nash
Seniors Ryan Stell, second from left, and Michael (Tony) Washington, third from left, are the winners of the second annual Appalachian State University NCMCA Sigmon Memorial Design Competition held in Boone in March. Stell and Washington will share a semester's tuition as their prize.
Twelve teams participated in the competition to design and model a hypothetical masonry in-fill building section as a graded assignment in the ASU Senior Architectural Design Studio II class.
Pictured above from left to right, David Jason Miller, ASU Assistant Professor of Building Science; Stell and Washington; Past NCMCA President Doug Burton, Chairman of the Sigmon Design Competition, who served as judge for the completion; and Jeff Tiller, PE, Chairman, ASU Department of Technology and Environmental Design.
ASU Professor Lee Ball and former architecture student Miles Smith joined Burton in judging the projects.
The Sigmon Memorial Scholarship Design Competition, now at ASU and at NC State University, is named in memory of brothers Dwyane and David Sigmon, and Dwayne’s son Randy.
About the Author
A Cary, North Carolina businessman is the new president of the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association (NCMCA.) In April, Danks Burton, general manager and president of Pinnacle Masonry, Inc., was elected to head the 145 member firm professional trade association.