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February 19, 2009 7:00 AM CST

Magnum Wins Title of World's Best Bricklayer

Tyke Magnum took first place in the 2009 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500®


Tyke Magnum won the title of "WORLD'S BEST BRICKLAYER," at the 2009 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500® National Bricklaying Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Tyke Magnum won the title of "WORLD'S BEST BRICKLAYER," at the 2009 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500® National Bricklaying Championship in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The 2009 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500® National bricklaying championship decides, “Who is the World’s Best Bricklayer?” Mason Tyke Mangum from North Carolina, took first place overall with a record 890 brick laid. This timed, 60 minute competition was held on Wednesday, 1:30 PM CST, February 4th, 2009, at the Masonry Construction’s Challenge Arena, located in the Gold Lot, at the 2009 World of Concrete / World of Masonry trade show. This is the largest annual construction trade show in the world. It is held once a year at the Las Vegas Convention Center, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Last year’s 2008 official show attendance was over 85,000 paid attendees.

Originating in 2003, the SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 National is a bricklaying competition comprised of the best bricklayers in the world. Twenty, 2-man teams made up of a mason and mason tender, compete to lay the most brick while meeting strictly defined workmanship standards that are closely evaluated by 22 masonry trade experts. The competition has the largest winner’s purse of any masonry competition. The competitors compete for well over $100,000 in cash and prizes before a crowd of 3,000 arena spectators and thousands more by live webcast.

First place winner, Tyke Mangum, a 24 year old mason with McGee Brothers Company, Monroe, North Carolina, was declared ”World’s Best Bricklayer,” Tyke laid 890 brick in just sixty minutes, which is the highest count ever at the Regional and National competitions. With just six years experience, Tyke won the grand prize of a new 2009 Ford F-250, XLT, V8, SuperDuty, 4 x 4 truck, $5,000 in cash and thousands in sponsor prizes. Tyke's mason tender was Dan Hallman also with McGee Brothers Company.

The SPEC MIX TOP CRAFTSMAN award was given to mason Bert Schneider, with Helander Masonry, Dixon, Illinois. Bert laid 578 brick, his combined brick count and quality of his wall was judged the, “most sellable.” Bert’s tender was Paul Shiroras II, also with Helander Masonry. As the SPEC MIX TOP CRAFTSMAN, Bert Schneider won a new 2009 Bobcat 2200 4WD Utility Vehicle, $5,000 in cash and thousands in sponsor prizes. Among those prizes was a MH-10 MUD HOG mixer which will be given to a masonry training center of Bert’s choice.

The 2nd place overall winner was mason Garrett Hood, with McGee Brothers Company, Monroe, North Carolina. Garrett laid 861 brick and his tender was Kevin Hallman. Garrett was last year’s 2008 SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 National 1st place winner. Garrett won $4,000 cash, and thousands in sponsor prizes.

The 3rd place overall winner was mason Alejandro Lopez, with Alejandro Lopez Masonry, Austin, Texas. Alejandro laid 807 brick and his tender was Alfonso Martinez. Alejandro won $3,000 in cash and thousands in sponsor prizes.

The SPEC MIX TOUGHEST TENDER winner was Ken Huizenga, with Illinois Masonry, Oaklawn, Illinois. Ken won $2,500 in cash and hundreds in sponsor prizes. The SPEC MIX TOUGHEST TENDER is a preliminary event held just before SPEC MIX BRICKLAYER 500 National. In this event the tenders race the clock to set up a predefined work area for the mason that includes 1,060 brick and other masonry tools. Ken’s winning time was 16 minutes, 54 seconds, one of the competitions best times in its seven year history.

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About the Author

Jeff Farmakes is the Marketing Communications Manager for SPEC MIX®, Inc.


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