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1963 apprentice contestants with International Union officers and sponsors photographed the night before the contest started in St. Louis
1963 apprentice contestants with International Union officers and sponsors photographed the night before the contest started in St. Louis

National apprentice contest


Winner of the 14th annual National Apprenticeship contest held recently in St. Louis, Mo., was Ronald Pfleger, Local No. 2, Mo. Gary Hempel, Seattle, Wash. placed with with Denny Wayne Beitler, Ft. Worth, Texas, third. Fourth and fifth place winners were Thomas F. Doidge, Los Angeles, and George Dale, Newburgh, N.Y.

An estimated 211,500 persons visited this years Union Industries Exposition with the Apprentice Contest being one of the highlights of the entire show. Attentive crowds lined the walls of the Bricklayers' Exhibit with the greatest number on the third and final night of the competition.

At the annual Apprenticeship Banquet preceding the contest MCAA officials gathered to meet the apprentices. In attendance were: James Lonie, President; Les Dietrich, Vice President; Jack Cook, and Herman May, Regional Vice Presidents; Donald Bidwell, Secretary and Frank Zoubek, Treasurer. Also attending were: Herschel Hunt, Apprentice Committee Chairman; Frank Laureys, Illinois Vice President; Richard DeWalle, Missouri Vice President; Harold W. Person and Fred Daues, MCAA Presidents; T. Walter Kirk, MCAA By-Laws Committee Chairman; George A. Miller, Executive Vice President and members of the St. Louis Chapter.

About the Author

he Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) is the national trade association representing mason contractors. The MCAA is committed to preserving and promoting the masonry industry by providing continuing education, advocating fair codes and standards, fostering a safe work environment, recruiting future manpower, and marketing the benefits of masonry materials. Visit to learn more.


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