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United Medical Center Courtyard

United Medical Center Courtyard

Cheyenne, WY

United Medical Center Courtyard
United Medical Center Courtyard
United Medical Center Courtyard
United Medical Center Courtyard
United Medical Center Courtyard

Mason Contractor: Harold F. Johnson Masonry, Inc.
Architect: Pappas and Pappas Architects

Project Description

United Medical Center-Cheyenne, Wyoming has grown a great deal in recent years.

Health care needs are always changing and facilities must keep in pace. The hospital UMC has always met the need of Laramie County Wyoming. Expansions have been on going over the years. The last phases included a 5 story Medical Office Building, multi level Parking Structure and a 7 story Patient Tower.

Between the Patient Tower and Medical Office Building afforded an area just outside the new cafeteria for a landscaped area. This oasis is a wonderful place to be enjoyed by patients, visitors, UMC staff and all who would like a peaceful place to get away and enjoy. The wandering paths, planters and foliage provide just that. During Wyoming winters the area still provides a relaxing view from the Medical Office Building, Patient Tower and the cafeteria.

Designed by Pappas and Pappas Architects, Cheyenne Wyoming (Stephan Pappas Designer) their use of masonry dominates the project. The patterns and bond of the full brick pavers, the curving brick planter, bench and fountain areas capped with sandstone show the versatility of masonry. The shapes, colors and durability are unsurpassed with any other product. Masonry alone is the only product that could provide the lasting shape and colors into the future. This area combined with the foliage provides a place to escape from the hustle and bustle of a large modern hospital facility. Harold F. Johnson Masonry submits this project with appreciation of your efforts to promote masonry-the product that has passed the test of time.

Image Galleries

College and University
Education: 9-12
Education: K-8
Residential: Multi-Family
Residential: Single Family

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Ambach Masonry Construction, Inc.
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