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Find-a-Contractor Masonry Buyer's Guide
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall

Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall

Lubbock, TX

Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall
Texas Tech University - Grover E. Murray Residence Hall

2006 MCAA International Excellence in Masonry Award Winner

Mason Contractor: Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Architect: Boka Powell

Project Description

The architect designed a housing unit for students that would blend with the academic buildings surrounding this structure. He started with 400,000 Big John brick laid in one-half bond. Then for accent over 7,000 pieces of cast stone were used. In designing with the use of masonry, he was able to have clean, sharp, symmetrical lines. At the same time he used the cast stone to bring in the Gothic design that is found throughout the Texas Tech Campus. Not only did the masons have the challenge of installing the material but it was on a fast track schedule. Through the coordination efforts of the masons and the proper use of equipment, the students moved in on schedule.

While looking at the masonry, one must notice the vast selections of details which were used. Found throughout are dimensioned cast stone window surrounds, trim, copings, and finials. There are traditional straight lines versus arches which display the delightful visual effects of decorative masonry. This structure is a perfect example of the aesthetic possibilities of masonry. The stone profiles and projections bring character and warmth to this home away from home.

Along with the structure are two areas of radiused site walls. One is comprised of brick and is capped with cast stone. The other is derived entirely from stone, some weighing in excess of 2,500 pounds per piece. We then constructed a screen wall out of 2,500 split face block which compliment the color tones of the brick. The end result is a beautiful and resilient new landmark which many students call home, sitting amidst established structures of learning. It has the warmth of home and the classic look of enduring education.

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College and University
Education: 9-12
Education: K-8
Residential: Multi-Family
Residential: Single Family

“The opportunity to ‘talk shop’ with other mason contractors is extremely valuable.”

Joe Bonifate
Arch Masonry & Restoration
MCAA member since 2012

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