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BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall

BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall

Tukwila, WA

BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall
BAC Local #1 Washington Union Hall

Mason Contractor: BAC Local #1 of Washington
Architect: Newton Associates Architects

Project Description

August 2005 saw the grand opening of BAC Local #1 Washington's new 12,000 sq ft.Union Hall. This new building is a fine example of excellent craftsmanship and materials.

The construction of this new building relied on volunteer help from all BAC crafts. Local #1 utilized local apprentices during their training cycles in the construction of this new building. The apprentices demonstrated skill in installing CMU, modular brick, rough dimensional stone, AAC block, ceramic tiles, mud floated wall, fabricated slab granite, finish plaster and terra top terrazzo.

The structural load bearing walls used 14,000 CMU ranging in size from 4x8x16 to 12x8x16. These walls were grouted solid with a seven sack mix grout. The exterior veneer used 24,000 chestnut blend modular brick in a running bond pattern. A stainless steel pintle and tie, with # 9 wire tie system was used to anchor the brick to the CMU. Stainless steel through wall flashing and bithutane perma - barrier with a termination bar formed the flashing system. Thje building was sealed with an elastomeric coating.

2,800 AAC block were laid by apprentices during one training cycle. AAC formed allof the non load bearing interior partition walls in the building. They were floated and finished with a light lace finish plaster by our tile apprentices.

Tile apprentices and volunteer journeymen set over 6,000 sz. Ft. of porcelain tile, 3x6 subway tile, 6x6 and 12x12 floor tile. The exterior band course and the entry soffits were set with an 18x18 porcelain tile. Floors have a diagonal pattern with an accent band of 6x6 field and 6x6 base.

35 slabs of ¾" Kashmir White granite were fabricated by a local union shop and installed by volunteer marble masons & apprentices. The slabs were cut to 29" x 40" and set in a half bond utilizing a spot and anchor system. Three slabs of Sea Foam Green granite were cut and fabricated for the front receiving desk and conference room table. This room also used thermalled 24x24, 18x24, 18x36 and 24x36 granite pavers in a two course wainscot on the walls. All of the window sills were cut from the waste material.

28 tons of roughly squared and rectangular cascade granite was laid in a flowing patter reminiscent of a forest service lodge. This pattern was used to accent a garden area outside of the main meeting hall, presenting a very dramatic view from the hall to the outside.

Local terrazzo contractors, journeymen and apprentices installed 2,400 sq. ft. of Mapei terra top terrazzo floor using five colors of #1 & 2 marble and mother of pearl chips to create a very spectacular tow tone floor in the meeting hall.

Utilizing a blend of modern and historic materials, BAC Local #1 Washington has created a home to be proud of that represents the craftsmanship of all Local 1 members.

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College and University
Education: 9-12
Education: K-8
Residential: Multi-Family
Residential: Single Family

“We are a passionate group that can solve challenges through our dedication.”

Brian Grant
Grant Contracting Co., Inc.
MCAA member since 1996

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