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Masonry Position Papers

Workforce for An Expanding Economy (H.R. 1740)


For the past 5 years, the masonry industry has been working as the American economy has recovered from the recession to highlight the need for a qualified workforce in the construction and masonry industries.


The MCAA supports an approach that creates a temporary guest worker program that meets the demand for labor.

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Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors


Some contractors in the construction industry are deliberately misclassifying workers as independent contractors rather than employees to avoid payroll taxes, insurance premiums and other employment expenses in order to boost company profits.


Congress should pass legislation allowing the Department of Labor to levy massive fines and penalties to once and for all curb the practice of misclassification of employees.

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OSHA Regulations


The MCAA and our member companies continue to be concerned with new regulations being pushed for by outside groups and pursued by OSHA


The MCAA would ask Congress to play close attention to OSHA and the regulations that they are putting forth and conduct proper oversight to such rules.

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School Infrastructure


Mason contractors throughout the country have been watching over the past year as Congress and the President continue to discuss the need and desire to pass a broad based infrastructure investment package.


The MCAA fully supports adding language to any broad based infrastructure investment package that would include funds to repair and renovate our nation’s public school buildings.

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Workforce Development


The masonry industry aims to to engage students and parents to reduce the stigma associated with career and technical education.


The masonry industry urges Congress moves to reauthorize the Perkins Act and include incentives for high schools that participate in vocational programs.

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Estate Tax


Businesses, both large corporations and small family owned businesses, which employ the majority of the American workers, deserve a realistic and reasonable chance of continuing in business after the estates of deceased owners are settled.


The masonry industry supports permanent repeal of the federal estate tax, and urges the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to pass a permanent repeal of the estate tax.

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Estate Tax Rule Change


The proposed regulations eliminate or greatly reduce the discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability for “family related entities” and will discourage families from continuing to operate and build their family businesses.


The masonry industry opposes the rule as the proposed regulations will harm the American economy.

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Pension Reform


Multi-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans have become a crushing burden on those industries that are involved.


The masonry industry supports reform that will allow for transition away from the Defined Benefit Plans, ultimately de-risking these plans by paying down the unfunded liabilities while transitioning to alternative type plans.

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Rebounding the Highly Skilled Workforce


A spike in mason retirements in the next decade which will create a labor shortage. Insufficient numbers of new masons will not offset retirements, much less keep pace with demands for new houses, industrial facilities, schools, hospitals and offices.


The masonry industry strongly encourages support of full budget allocations and appropriations for Perkins Act vocational and technical training programs, with special emphasis on investment in trades in greatest need for new workers.

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Bid Shopping


Bid shopping is a questionable practice that takes place when a general contractor attempts to pad his profit margin for shopping for lower-priced subcontractors than those listed in the original bid.


The masonry industry believes it is time to end deceptive practices that cheat the taxpayer and supports legislation requiring general contractors bidding on federal projects to list the subcontractors and their bids, and justify any subsequent changes.

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Archived Positions

“The MCAA is always a great resource for information.”

Travis Frantz
United Masonry Incorporated
MCAA member since 2006

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