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Make an IMPACT!


Have a national impact on federal elections

The purpose of MAC PAC is to help elect federal candidates to office who are pro-construction and who have a track record of working with the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) on industry issues. MAC PAC allows you the opportunity to have a national impact on federal elections.

President’s Club

$5,000 annually / $417 per month

  • Personal plaque presented during the Annual Meeting of the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas
  • Two tickets to a private reception at the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas honoring PAC contributors
  • VIP invitation to a private event at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Unique special event in Washington, D.C. to be arranged independently with the MCAA staff
  • Recognition at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Listing as a President’s Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique solid gold MAC PAC lapel pin with a diamond
  • Unique MAC PAC tie tack
  • Unique MAC PAC cuff links

Capitol Club

$3,000 annually / $250 per month

  • Two tickets to a private reception at the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas honoring PAC contributors
  • VIP invitation to a private event at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Recognition at The Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Listing as a Capitol Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique gold filled MAC PAC lapel pin with a ruby
  • Unique MAC PAC tie tack

Congressional Club

$1,200 annually / $100 per month

  • Recognition at legislative conference
  • One ticket to Private reception at convention honoring PAC contributors
  • VIP invitation to a private event at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Listing as a Congressional Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique gold filled MAC PAC lapel pin

Executive’s Club

$500 Annual Contribution

  • One ticket to a private reception at the MCAA Convention at the World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas honoring PAC contributors
  • VIP invitation to a private event at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Listing as an Executive’s Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique sterling silver MAC PAC lapel pin

Director’s Club

$250 Annual Contribution

  • VIP invitation to a private event at the Masonry Industry Legislative Conference
  • Listing as a Director’s Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique MAC PAC lapel pin

Grassroots Club

$100 Annual Contribution

  • Listing as a Grassroots Club Member on the MCAA website and annual listing in Masonry magazine
  • Unique MAC PAC lapel pin

Who Can Contribute to MAC PAC

Federal laws and regulations have a direct impact on you and your business. Because it is illegal for corporations or State Chapter PACs to directly contribute to federal candidates or to political parties, MAC PAC allows you the opportunity to have a national impact on federal elections. This is possible by pooling our resources and dealing from a position of collective strength.

Anyone can contribute up to $5,000 in a calendar year to MAC PAC.

If you would like to voluntarily contribute to MAC PAC, please download the form below or donate online:

Criteria for Candidate Support

The MAC PAC bases its decisions on which candidates receive its support on specific criteria as follows:

  • MCAA voting record
  • Issue strategy
  • In-person candidate interviews
  • Candidate questionnaires
  • Variable race factors

A candidate’s political party affiliation is not a criterion for support.

MAC PAC contributions to candidates vary in dollar amount depending upon all of the determining factors mentioned above.

MAC PAC is registered with the Federal Election Commission and files reports of all receipts and candidate contributions. These reports become part of the public record at the FEC.

Legislative Victories

The MCAA has won many legislative victories over the past few years with the help of many MCAA member companies, including:

  • Repeal of the 3% government withholding tax
  • Permanently addressed the “patch” to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) by indexing the AMT to inflation
  • Major step forward in permanently extending the estate tax exemption level at $5 million per spouse, indexing the exemption level for inflation, capping the tax rate at 40 percent and allowing for spousal portability
  • Including life-cycle costing (LCC) related to Military Construction projects
  • Life-cycle costing as a part of OMB’s Circular A-94 (Guidelines and Discount Rates for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs)

But our work does not stop with those victories. We need your continued engagement and input as we continue to take the voice of the masonry industry to Washington, D.C.

Candidate Contributions

MAC PAC is able to give $5,000 per federal candidate per election (primary, general or run-off). MAC PAC is not restricted to an aggregate contribution limit on all candidates supported.

MAC PAC will never support more than one candidate in a race.

PAC contributors and chapters are not only asked but encouraged to deliver the MAC PAC checks directly to the candidates in the district.

Participation in MAC PAC is strictly voluntary.

MAC PAC Donors


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Pete Groetzinger

Congressional Club

Dick Dentinger

Mason & Ruth Hill

Heath Holdaway

John Jacob

Paul & Lisa Oldham

Executive’s Club

Ron Adams

Calvin Brodie

Paul Cantarella

James Dodds

Garen Graves

Liz Graves

Kent Huntley

Director’s Club

Canan D’Avela

Brandon Hartsell

James Hoskinson

Chase Holdaway

Carey Zieg

Grassroots Club

Mason Holdaway

Sadie Holdaway


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Pete Groetzinger

Congressional Club

Buddie Barnes

Kevin Camarata

Dick Dentinger

Mason Hill

Gary Joyner

Melonie Leslie

Paul Oldham

Andy Sneed

Executive’s Club

Ron Adams

Doug Burton

Glenn Wells


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Pete Groetzinger

Congressional Club

Joe Bonifate

Kevin Camarata

Dick Felice

Mason Hill

Melonie Leslie

Paul Oldham

Andy Sneed

Christian Stein

Executive’s Club

Doug Burton

Damian Lang

Ron LaRicci


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Congressional Club

Ron Adams

Joe Bonifate

Kevin Camarata

Tommy Daniel

Dick Dentinger

Dick Felice

Mason Hill

Gary Joyner

Melonie Leslie

Paul Oldham

Andy Sneed

Christian Stein

Executive’s Club

Doug Burton

Damian Lang

Ron LaRicci


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Calvin Brodie

Pete Groetzinger

Paul Odom

Congressional Club

Joe Bonifate

Kevin Camarata

Dick Dentinger

Mason Hill

John Jacob

Mark Kemp

Christian Stein

Mike Sutter

Executive’s Club

Ron Adams

Danks Burton

Paul Cantarella

Bill Dentinger

Ty Frieling

Brad Graham

Damian Lang

Melonie Leslie

Adam Slattery

Terry Ward

Jason Young


President’s Club

Mackie Bounds

Calvin Brodie

Pete Groetzinger

Paul Odom

Congressional Club

Joe Bonifate

John Jacob

Gary Joyner

Mark Kemp

Jim O’Connor

Paul Oldham

Mike & Colleen Sutter

Larry Vacala

Executive’s Club

Danks Burton

Mason Hill

Melonie Leslie


President’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Capitol Club

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Larry Vacala

Restore Masonry, LLC
Chicago, IL

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Congressional Club

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Christian Stein

Arch Masonry & Restoration
Pittsburgh, PA

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Gary Joyner

Joyner Masonry Works, Inc.
Greenville, NC

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Robert Gates

Gates Construction Company, Inc.
Mooresville, NC

Executive’s Club

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Addison Kalish

Kalish Masonry, LLC
Middleton, WI

Dick Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Bill Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Paul Cantarella

Cantarella & Son, Inc.
Pittsfield, MA

Doug Burton

Whitman Masonry, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Terry Ward

Tucker-Kirby Co.
Charlotte, NC

Adam Slattery

Al Slattery Masonry, Inc.
Oklahoma City, OK

Mason Hill

Hill Masonry, Inc.
Billings, MT

Grassroots Club

Glen Wells

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Don Bush

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Melonie Leslie

G & G Masonry
Peoria, AZ

Jason Young

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Donald Holland

Houston, TX


President’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Capitol Club

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Congressional Club

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Christian Stein

Arch Masonry & Restoration
Pittsburgh, PA

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Gary Joyner

Joyner Masonry Works, Inc.
Greenville, NC

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Charles Newsome

Stalite Company
Salisbury, NC

Executive’s Club

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Terry Ward

Tucker-Kirby Co.
Charlotte, NC

Paul Cantarella

Cantarella & Son, Inc.
Pittsfield, MA

Grassroots Club

Sam St. John

St. John Masonry & Consulting, LLC
Hermitage, AR

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Shawn Nelson

Elite Distribution, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ


President’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Capitol Club

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Congressional Club

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

Christian Stein

Arch Masonry & Restoration
Pittsburgh, PA

Larry Vacala

Restore Masonry, LLC
Chicago, IL

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Charles Newsome

Stalite Company
Salisbury, NC

Executive’s Club

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Bill Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Dick Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Director’s Club

Lisa Prichard

Arizona Masonry Council
Chandler, AZ

Grassroots Club

Beverley McCauley

Hunt Country Masonry, Inc.
Leesburg, VA

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN


Capitol Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Congressional Club

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

Christian Stein

Arch Masonry & Restoration
Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Larry Kirby

Kirby Construction Services, Inc.
Conover, NC

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Executive’s Club

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Beverley McCauley

Hunt Country Masonry, Inc.
Leesburg, VA

Director’s Club

Beverley McCauley

Hunt Country Masonry, Inc.
Leesburg, VA

Beverley McCauley

Hunt Country Masonry, Inc.
Leesburg, VA

Grassroots Club

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Lynn Nash

North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association
Hickory, NC

Deborah Ratcliff

Ratcliff/ Midkiff Masonry Inc.
Hebron, OH


Congressional Club

Christian Stein

Arch Masonry & Restoration
Pittsburgh, PA

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Executive’s Club

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Director’s Club

Lynn Nash

North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association
Hickory, NC

Grassroots Club

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL


Executive’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Melonie Leslie

G & G Masonry
Peoria, AZ

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Romeo Collazo

ROC Construction, Inc.
Dallas, TX

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Director’s Club

Glenn Hottmann

G & G Masonry
Peoria, AZ

David Peloke

Foley Masonry and Tile, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Bob Thomas

National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
Herndon, VA

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Grassroots Club

Pat Dubbert

Midwest Block & Brick
Bridgeton, MO

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Jennifer Freiland

Top Quality Masonry Co., Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Moroni Mejia

Hobbs Masonry Construction LLC
Chandler, AZ

Robert Ahlers

Rhino Masonry, Inc.
Mesa, AZ

Mike Burlingham

Smart Building Supply
Cincinnati, OH

Roberta Tanno

ESSroc Materials, Inc.
Nazareth, PA

Lisa Prichard

Arizona Masonry Council
Chandler, AZ

Jeff Speck

Arcosa Lightweight
Canton, GA

David Birmingham

Macalite Equipment, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

David Shea

Master Block, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

David Gillick

Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

Lynn Nash

North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association
Hickory, NC

Mike Meskimen

Thunderbird Masonry
Pheonix, AZ

Tony Avila

Avila Masonry
Glendale, AZ

Kip Bretting

The QUIKRETE Companies
Atlanta, GA


Executive’s Club

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Todd Nessler

Sun Valley Masonry, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Director’s Club

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Frank Smith

Frank S. Smith Masonry, Inc.
Pomona, CA

Bob Thomas

National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
Herndon, VA

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Michael Finch

RCP Block & Brick, Inc.
Lemon Grove, CA

Rick Muth

ORCO Block & Hardscape
Stanton, CA

Grassroots Club

Bridget Endres

Superlite Block, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Robert Ahlers

Rhino Masonry, Inc.
Mesa, AZ

Cassie Mejia

Arizona Masonry Council
Chandler, AZ

Aimee Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Mary Jo Hellmann

Top Quality Masonry Co., Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Carol Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Connie Hottmann

G & G Masonry
Peoria, AZ

Lisa Prichard

Arizona Masonry Council
Chandler, AZ

Jay Frederickson

Superlite Block, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Kip Bretting

The QUIKRETE Companies
Atlanta, GA

John Heffernan

Superlite Block, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

Russell Rumley

Atlanta, GA

Daryl Donkersloot

Western Block Co.
Phoenix, AZ


Executive’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Director’s Club

Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Tommy Edwards

Salado Quarry
Florence, TX

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Grassroots Club

Lindsey Geeslin

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Rene Lozano

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Mark Wilhelms

Midwest Block & Brick
Bridgeton, MO

David Gillick

Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO


Congressional Club

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Executive’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Steve Borman

Keystone Masonry, Inc.
Yelm, WA

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Director’s Club

Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Douglas Nichols

Doug Nichols Masonry, Inc.
St Peters, MO

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Brad Clay

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Bill McConnell

Architectural Paving & Stone
Weymouth, MA

Grassroots Club

Dick Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Harry McGraw

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX

Bill Dentinger

B&D Associates, LLC
St. Paul, MN

Mark Wilhelms

Midwest Block & Brick
Bridgeton, MO

David Gillick

Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

Bob Thomas

National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
Herndon, VA

David Hill

Pettit Construction Company
Roebuck, SC

William Holden

Block USA
Birmingham, AL

Rene Lozano

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Don Bush

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Ron LaRicci

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Ross Wildman

Masonry Institute of Washington
Seattle, WA


Executive’s Club

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

Director’s Club

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Alan Griffin

Griffin Contractors, Inc.
Morganton, NC


Executive’s Club

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

David Masterson

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Douglas Nichols

Doug Nichols Masonry, Inc.
St Peters, MO

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Brian Procter

Nashville, TN

Director’s Club

Alan Griffin

Griffin Contractors, Inc.
Morganton, NC

Brad Clay

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Michael Finch

RCP Block & Brick, Inc.
Lemon Grove, CA

Mark Hogan

National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
Herndon, VA

Bill McConnell

Architectural Paving & Stone
Weymouth, MA

Grassroots Club

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Tracy Webster

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Steven Doty

Peerless Block & Brick Company
St Albans, WV


Capitol Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Executive’s Club

Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

David Thompson

Thompson Masonry Contracting
Pottstown, PA

Brad Procter

Nashville, TN

Greg Jonovich

Brothers Masonry Corporation
Phoenix, AZ

Douglas Nichols

Doug Nichols Masonry, Inc.
St Peters, MO

Wilson Eshbach

Eshbach Brothers, Inc.
Reading, PA

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Paul Hoggatt

Hoggatt, L. P.
Pasadena, TX

George Distler

Sierra Masonry Corp.
Sanford, FL

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Carl Funke

Brothers Masonry Corporation
Phoenix, AZ

Director’s Club

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Alan Griffin

Griffin Contractors, Inc.
Morganton, NC

Teddy Jenkins

Jenkins Masonry, Inc.
Chattanooga, TN

Larry Kirby

Kirby Construction Services, Inc.
Conover, NC


Northville, MI

Timothy McEntee

Masonry Arts NH LLC
Wilton, NH

Doug Burton

Whitman Masonry, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Ed Boettcher

Edgar Boettcher Mason Contractor, Inc.
Bay City, MI

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Bill McConnell

Architectural Paving & Stone
Weymouth, MA

Grassroots Club

Melvin Hinton

BAT Masonry Company, Inc.
Lynchburg, VA

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Bruce Spengler

Calvert Masonry, Inc.
Manassas, VA

Donald Larsen

Barrington Hills, IL

Gary Joyner

Joyner Masonry Works, Inc.
Greenville, NC

Domenic Livoli

Livoli Estimating Service
Upton, MA

Lou Cocks

Masonry Design, Inc.
Manassas, VA

Steve Tate

Steve Tate Construction
Alta, IA

Doug Burton

Whitman Masonry, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Tracy Webster

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Brad Clay

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC


Congressional Club

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Executive’s Club

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Calvin Brodie

Brodie Contractors, Inc.
Raleigh, NC

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

David Masterson

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

David Jollay

Jollay Masonry Contractors
Avondale Estate, GA

Ron Kendall

Ron Kendall Masonry, Inc.
West Palm Beach, FL

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Andy Sneed

Nashville, TN

Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

Douglas Nichols

Doug Nichols Masonry, Inc.
St Peters, MO

Richard Felice

Forrest & Associate, Inc.
Des Moines, IA

Carol Ciesielski

Masonry Contractors of New Jersey
Bordentown, NJ

Lou Cocks

Masonry Design, Inc.
Manassas, VA

Margaret Pawlik

MPZ Masonry, Inc.
Chicago, IL

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Michael Schmerbeck

Back Brook Masonry
Hillsborough, NJ

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

David Thompson

Thompson Masonry Contracting
Pottstown, PA

John Ciesielski

Masonry Contractors of New Jersey
Bordentown, NJ

Director’s Club

Paul Hoggatt

Hoggatt, L. P.
Pasadena, TX

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

Donald Larsen

Barrington Hills, IL

Brian Grant

Grant Contracting Co., Inc.
Fenton, MO

Alan Griffin

Griffin Contractors, Inc.
Morganton, NC

Paul Hoggatt

Hoggatt, L. P.
Pasadena, TX

Rick Johnston

Johnston Construction Co., Inc.
Tacoma, WA

Jerry Painter

Painter Masonry, Inc.
Gainesville, FL

David Hill

Pettit Construction Company
Roebuck, SC

Ed Boettcher

Edgar Boettcher Mason Contractor, Inc.
Bay City, MI

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC

Bill McConnell

Architectural Paving & Stone
Weymouth, MA

Grassroots Club

Bill Harrison

B.G. Harrison Masonry, Inc.
Grand Junction, CO

Arthur Ramirez

Ramirez Masonry, Inc.
Azusa, CA

Doug Burton

Whitman Masonry, Inc.
Raleigh, NC


Executive’s Club

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

MAC PEC Donors



Herb Jeffreys

Johnson Concrete Company
Willow Springs, NC


$250 - $499

James Hoskinson

Lang Masonry & Restoration Contractors, Inc.
Waterford, OH


$3,000 - $4,999

David Gillick

Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO

$1,200 - $2,999

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

John Jacob

J. Construction Company
Cincinnati, OH

$500 - $1,199

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

Mark Kemp

Superior Masonry Builders, Inc.
Butler, WI

Kevin Camarata

Camarata Masonry Systems, Ltd.
Houston, TX

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Danks Burton

Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
Cary, NC


$1,200 - $2,999

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO


$250 - $499

Carol Ciesielski

Masonry Contractors of New Jersey
Bordentown, NJ

Bob Hohmann

Hohmann and Barnard, Inc.
Hauppauge, NY

Rickey Skinner

Skinner Masonry, L.L.P.
Mesquite, TX

Trey Harris

The QUIKRETE Companies
Atlanta, GA

$100 - $249

Jim O'Connor

Mason Contractors Association of Greater Chicago
Park Ridge, IL


$500 - $1,199

Robert Barnes

Dee Brown, Inc.
Richardson, TX

Tommy Daniel

GBC Concrete & Masonry
Lake Elsinore, CA

Heath Holdaway

IMS Masonry, Inc.
Lindon, UT

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Paul Oldham

Ollier Masonry, Inc.
Batesville, IN

Michael Sutter

Sutter Masonry, Inc.
El Mirage, AZ

$250 - $499

Pete Groetzinger

Brazos Masonry, Inc.
Waco, TX

Carol Ciesielski

Masonry Contractors of New Jersey
Bordentown, NJ

Michael Schmerbeck

Back Brook Masonry
Hillsborough, NJ

$100 - $249

David Peloke

Foley Masonry and Tile, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

David Gillick

Mason Contractors Association of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO


$500 - $1,199

Harry McGraw

Texas Masonry Council, Inc. (TMC)
Waco, TX


John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO


Frank Campitelli

Baltimore Masonry, Inc.
Sykesville, MD

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

$250 - $499

Steve Sullivan

Genco Masonry, Inc.
Bethesda, MD

$100 - $249

William Holden

Block USA
Birmingham, AL


$500 - $1,199

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

$250 - $499

Tony DeNegri

JusPatTon Construction, Inc.
Kansas City, MO

Brian Carney

Eagan, MN

$100 - $249

Edward Patterson

Cherokee Masonry, Inc.
Gaffney, SC


General Masonry of NW FL, Inc.
Fort Walton Beach, FL

James LaConti

LaConti Concrete & Masonry, Inc.
Brick, NJ

Edwin Stevens

Stevens Masonry Construction Co.
New Castle, PA


$500 - $1,199

Douglas Nichols

Doug Nichols Masonry, Inc.
St Peters, MO

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

George Distler

Sierra Masonry Corp.
Sanford, FL

Steve Haxton

Haxton Masonry
Yuma, AZ

$250 - $499

John Smith

John J. Smith Masonry Company
St. Louis, MO

Margaret Pawlik

MPZ Masonry, Inc.
Chicago, IL

Jack Wronka

Pointe Construction, Inc.
Santa Ana, CA

$100 - $249

Clifton Horn

A. Horn, Inc.
Barrington, IL

Bill Harrison

B.G. Harrison Masonry, Inc.
Grand Junction, CO

Richard Montiel

E. Rosen Construction
Westlake Village, CA


$1,200 - $2,999

John Spencer

Spencer Brickwork, Inc.
St. Louis, MO

Mason Contractors Association of America Political Action Committee

“The MCAA is perfectly suited to provide webinars and other training resources.”

Todd Witmer
The Witmer Group
MCAA member since 1995

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