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Speak Up!/Listen Up! for Construction

Provider: Mason Contractors Association of America
Discipline: Safety
Credits: 0.25

Speak Up!/Listen Up! for Construction was developed in collaboration with 16 of the world's leading contractors. The program is designed to foster safe work environments by helping employees overcome the anxiety that can be associated with giving or receiving safety-related feedback. Speak Up!/Listen Up! for Construction applies the proven formulas inside Caterpillar's most widely used training programs, Speak Up! and Listen Up!, to scenarios that will resonate with construction employees anywhere around the world.

Consider for a moment how the people in your organization speak about your safety program and the efforts put forward. How safety is spoken about in the organization has a significant impact to the perception of your organizational safety culture. What are YOU doing to influence your safety culture.

Join us to discuss this very important leading indicator towards safety excellence.

Speak Up!

Help employees learn how to give safety-related feedback to co-workers. The scenarios presented in the Speak Up! video demonstrate that each employee can contribute to workplace safety by learning simple, easy-to-use feedback techniques. Giving effective feedback doesn't happen automatically. It's essential that you focus on the facts to tell it like it is: this program emphasizes that every person has the responsibility to speak up whenever they see something that's not right. In safety, silence is not golden.

Listen Up!

How many times do suggestions get confused with criticism? Or why do too many people miss the real message? Listen Up! is the program that not only demonstrates the internal challenges we face when receiving feedback, but it also presents the way to overcome them. When we focus on the message, not the messenger, and commit to making change, we contribute to the development of a positive safety culture.

For more information please visit or contact Mason Contractors Association of America at 800-536-2225.

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“The MCAA is critical to forwarding our cause.”

Danks Burton
Pinnacle Masonry, Inc.
MCAA member since 1997

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