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Hydro Mobile, Inc.
Non-Stop Scaffolding
Westlake Royal Stone Solutions
Find-a-Contractor Masonry Buyer's Guide

Spanish - Introduction to OSHA and OSHA Act

Provider: Mason Contractors Association of America
Discipline: Safety
Credits: 1.00

This course gives a basic overview of OSHA, OSHA act, and OSHA’s role in prevention and elimination of work-related illnesses and injuries. It includes information about employer and employee rights and responsibilities, and a very brief look at the inspection process, reporting and recordkeeping. This course will prove beneficial for those who are directly or indirectly involved with OSHA and OSH Act.

All quizzes must be passed with a 100% to proceed forward to the next lesson. Final Exam must be passed with a 70% to pass the course. The final exam can be taken three times if necessary.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what OSHA is
  2. Describe the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act
  3. Explain how the General Duty Clause affects employers
  4. Identify the different types of OSHA violations
  5. Explain how OSHA conducts inspections
  6. Understand OSHA’s requirements
  7. Understand employers’ and workers’ rights
Topics Covered: This course is presented in Spanish.

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“The mason contractors involved in the MCAA all work towards the same goals.”

David Veazey
Veazey Enterprises, Inc.
MCAA member since 1965

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