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MCAA Conflict of Interest Policy

The following statement of policy applies to each director, member of a Board Committee, and employee of Mason Contractors Association of America ("MCAA Person"). No MCAA Person shall use his or her position, or the knowledge gained therefrom, in such a manner that a conflict between the interest of the Mason Contractors Association of America ("MCAA") and his or her company, family, or personal interests arises.

It is the policy of MCAA that no MCAA Person or their Family Members should derive any personal economic benefit, directly or indirectly, by reason of such person's membership on the Board or a Board Committee, services to the Board or the Board Committee or because of employment by MCAA (except in the case of employees for reasonable compensation). Each director or member of a Board Committee shall disclose to the Board or the Board Committee any personal interest which he or she or any Family Member may have in any matter pending, or expected to come, before the Board or Board Committee. Each employee shall disclose to the President any personal interest which he or she or any Family Member may have in any matter or transaction involving MCAA.

Each MCAA Person shall submit an annual disclosure statement listing all organizations which will, or may be reasonably expected to, engage in business transactions (other than payment of dues or grants) with MCAA, and in which such MCAA person or a Family Member has a Material Financial Interest or in which the MCAA Person or a Family Member acts as a director, consultant, partner, trustee, officer, member of the executive committee or employee. A MCAA Person or Family Member has a Material Financial Interest in an organization if he or she (i) owns, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the organization's equity interest, (ii) is owed money by the organization in excess of 5% of the organization's overall indebtedness or in excess of 2% of the MCAA Person or Family Member's net worth, or (iii) receives compensation from the Entity in excess of 2% of the income of the MCAA Person or Family Member.

Disclosure statements shall be submitted to the Executive Director, who with the President shall be responsible for the administration of this policy. If a disclosure shows that there is or may be a conflict of interest with respect to a pending transaction, the Board shall be so advised and the matter shall be handled as provided below.

A MCAA Person who has a conflict of interest in any proposed transaction or other matter shall refrain from participating in consideration of the proposed transaction or other matter, except such individual shall provide information and interpretation as requested by the Board or Board Committee. In the case of a director or member of a Board Committee, he or she shall not vote on the matter in question and, if so requested by the President or any member of the Board or Board Committee, shall not be present at the time of the final discussion and/or vote.

Any director or member of a Board Committee who is uncertain about a possible conflict of interest in any matter may request the Executive Committee to determine whether a possible conflict exists. The Executive Committee shall resolve the question by majority vote. If the Executive Committee or President deems it appropriate, the question of potential conflict may be referred to legal counsel for an opinion prior to the Executive Committee vote.

“The MCAA keeps my company competitive with other building materials.”

John Smith
John J. Smith Masonry Company
MCAA member since 1990

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