MCAA Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee is responsible for guiding the association in the legislative arena. It is the committee's domain in establishing legislative and regulatory issues that the association will become active in affecting. As issues arise, it is the committee that will direct MCAA members to become engaged in educating elected officials on the issues and MCAA's position. The Legislative Committee develops programs to gain member involvement in the legislative and political process both nationally and at the local level. The committee is also responsible for directing the MAC PAC.
Committee Chairmen
Mackie Bounds
Brazos Masonry, Inc.
P.O. Box 23428
Waco, TX 76702
P: 254-848-5830
F: 206-202-0991
Melonie Leslie
G & G Masonry
PO Box 5277
Peoria, AZ 85385
P: 602-942-1983
Committee Members
Robert Barnes
Dee Brown, Inc.
1600 N Collins Blvd Ste 3100
Richardson, TX 75080-3583
P: 214-321-6443
F: 214-320-2399
Pete Groetzinger
Brazos Masonry, Inc.
P.O. Box 23428
Waco, TX 76702
P: 254-848-5830
F: 206-202-0991
Brandon Hartsell
Gates Construction Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 150
Mooresville, NC 28115
P: 704-664-2121
F: 704-664-2952
Matthew Jollay
Jollay Masonry Contractors
116 Locust Street
Avondale Estate, GA 30002
P: 404-294-5393
F: 404-297-8326
Brad Leidal
Leidal & Hart Mason Contractors, Inc.
12100 Globe St.
Livonia, MI 48150
P: 734-522-2400
F: 734-522-8650
Paul Oldham
Ollier Masonry, Inc.
1460 Lammers Pike
Batesville, IN 47006
P: 812-934-3072
F: 812-933-0813