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Matthew B. Keelen

Matthew B. Keelen, founder and President of the government affairs firm The Keelen Group, is a widely known and highly regarded lobbyist and political strategist with experience building relationships with key figures and a reputation for consistently delivering hard-earned victories. Acknowledged for his innate ability to establish and develop long lasting political relationships, Keelen has dozens of time-tested relationships with Members of Congress, including many who are in positions of considerable influence today. To learn more about The Keelen Group, visit

4 articles by Matthew B. Keelen:


Midyear Meeting rundown

Midyear Meeting rundown

We discussed extensively in Orlando, one of the biggest issues currently facing our industry is the recently proposed silica exposure rule put forth by OSHA. Full story


MCAA Legislative Conference Recap

MCAA Legislative Conference Recap

We are seeing the fruits of our labors, as we make progress on the military construction/lifecycle costing issue, and Members of Congress are opposing harmful legislation. Full story


MCAA Government Affairs Review/Preview

MCAA Government Affairs Review/Preview

The legislative review/preview at the 2010 MCAA Convention at World of Concrete/World of Masonry in Las Vegas gave the MCAA a number of priorities to pursue. Full story


MCAA Legislative Committee Update

MCAA Legislative Committee Update

During the MCAA Convention, the MCAA Legislative Committee heard from our governmental affairs team about a number of pressing issues that Congress may consider this year. Full story


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Richard Felice
Forrest & Associate, Inc.
MCAA member since 1963

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