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John J. Smith, Jr.

John J. Smith Jr. is the President of John J. Smith Masonry Company. He has served as an officer on the Executive Board, the Region E Vice President, and the Marketing Committee Chairman for the Mason Contractors Association of America.

35 articles by John J. Smith, Jr.:


Report of the MCAA Nominating Committee

Report of the MCAA Nominating Committee

On December 30, 2015 the MCAA Nominating Committee met to review and recommend candidates for MCAA office for the 2016-2018 term of office. Full story




With the end of this year, my term as Chairman is almost complete and quickly coming to an end. It is truly a bittersweet process. Full story


Happy holidays

Happy holidays

We are all very busy this time of year. We all work to balance our lives all year long, but during the Holidays it is time to reflect on our families. Full story


MCAA Midyear update

MCAA Midyear update

To begin, I want to thank all of the contractors and their families who attended the Midyear Meeting in Orlando. Full story


2014 MCAA Convention

2014 MCAA Convention

I would like to send a personal invitation to every member of the MCAA to join us this January in Las Vegas for the 2014 MCAA Convention. Full story


Ushering in a busy fall season

Ushering in a busy fall season

This time of year gives everyone new energy and motivation to get back out and do some of those projects that have been put off. It also brings us around to our Mid-year meeting. Full story


Workforce a familiar friend

Workforce a familiar friend

As we emerge from the recession we’ve all been wrapped up in, there is a new – but familiar – issue for our industry surfacing, and that is our workforce. Full story


The MCAA in D.C.

The MCAA in D.C.

As president of the MCAA, I am often asked what we are doing for you as mason contractors. The regime in Washington, D.C., right now is keeping us very busy. Full story

news and events

2013 MCAA Midyear Meeting

2013 MCAA Midyear Meeting

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join my family and me at the 2013 MCAA Midyear Meeting. Full story


A lot happening

A lot happening

The MCAA has been very busy this past month. The staff continues to work with committee chairs and committee members to pursue our goals. Full story


Eye opening

Eye opening

We have just returned from our Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. It was one of the most exciting trips I have been on with the MCAA. Full story


Why not be a member?

Why not be a member?

As Chairman of the MCAA, I am often asked, “Why should I join the MCAA, and what do I get out of being a member?” Full story


First South of 40 Conference

First South of 40 Conference

I am very excited to announce that the MCAA’s South 40 Committee has presented their first on conference scheduled in conjunction with the MCAA’s Masonry Industry Legislative Conference. Full story


Positive movement

Positive movement

The 2013 MCAA Convention has concluded. We are all back at work, taking what we learned and applying it to our own companies. Full story


Headed to Vegas

Headed to Vegas

As I write this message, we are about to leave for Las Vegas for our annual convention. I hope all of you have found a reason to attend. Full story


New beginning

New beginning

Let me be the first to wish you a prosperous New Year. As we move into 2013 we have many new challenges facing us. Full story


It’s finally over

It’s finally over

As I write this message, it makes me feel very proud and honored to be a citizen of this United States, the best country in the world. Full story


My trip to the Rockies

My trip to the Rockies

I find myself having returned not too long ago from a trip to Denver to visit with the fine folks of the Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute (RMMI). Full story


The 2012 election

The 2012 election

In November, we all will be asked to elect a new leader for our country, as well as members of Congress. These people will be asked to represent best interests. Full story


2013 MCAA Convention

2013 MCAA Convention

I would like to send a personal invitation to every member of the MCAA to join us this February in Las Vegas at the Wynn Hotel for our annual convention. Full story

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“The MCAA is always a great resource for information.”

Travis Frantz
United Masonry Incorporated
MCAA member since 2006

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