Jeff Buczkiewicz
Jeff Buczkiewicz is the President and CEO of the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has worked in the masonry industry for several years as the Executive Vice President of the Building Stone Institute and the Director of Marketing and Membership for the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has also served as Secretary on the Board of the Natural Stone Council and is a former Board Member of the StonExpo Federation.
82 articles by Jeff Buczkiewicz:
Construction Industry Safety Coalition urges U.S. Department of Labor to withdraw “significantly flawed” silica proposal

The Construction Industry Safety Coalition issued the following statement as it filed comments regarding OSHA’s proposed Crystalline Silica Rulemaking. Full story
Comment on proposed silica rule

The proposed silica rule was posted to the Federal register on Thursday, September 12, 2013. Full story
MCAA requests comment period extension

The Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) requested a 90 day extension to the public comment period for the proposed silica rule. Full story
OSHA's proposed silica rule to be posted to Federal Register September 12

The proposed silica rule will be posted to the Federal register on Thursday, September 12, 2013. Full story
MCAA Special Report: OSHA Proposed Rule on Crystalline Silica

This MCAA special report provides a summary of OSHA’s proposed rule on crystalline silica in a question and answer format. Full story
OSHA’s proposed silica rule a serious concern

A coalition of construction industry groups is concerned about a proposed rule from OSHA intended to protect workers from inhaling dust containing silica. Full story
Proposed OSHA rule decreases PEL

OSHA released their proposed rule on silica this afternoon. The new rule is decreasing the PEL to .50 and the remediation level to .25. Full story
MCAA Key Accomplishments 2012-2013

The MCAA’s involvement on all fronts (from regulatory reform to education and training) continues to ensure the survivability and viability of our industry. Full story
Dold Highlights MCAA MAC PAC Event

Former Congressman Bob Dold from Illinois was the guest speaker for the 2013 MCAA MAC PAC event in Las Vegas. Full story
2012 Legislative Conference a success

The MCAA held it’s annual Legislative Conference May 8-10th at the same time that NCMA held their function. Both groups visited over 120 offices on Capitol Hill. Full story
Advanced Masonry Systems, Inc. Completes Certification Program

Advanced Masonry Systems, Inc. is the latest company to have earned certification through the Masonry Certification program. Full story
Submit Ideas for MCAA to Pursue with ASTM

The MCAA Technical Committee is looking to expand our reach and influence on two key industry regulating bodies, and we want your input on what you would like to see us pursue. Full story
Three Companies Certified at MCAA Convention

Three companies have earned certification through the Masonry Certification program, sponsored by the Mason Contractors Association of America. Full story
Six Companies Certified at MCAA Convention

Six companies have earned certification through the Masonry Certification program at the MCAA Convention at World of Concrete/World of Masonry. Full story
2009 MCAA Midyear Meeting Wrap-up

The 2009 MCAA Midyear Meeting was a great success this past September, held in San Diego, CA at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. Full story
Two Companies Certified at Midyear Meeting

Smith Masonry, Inc. of St. Louis, Mo. and John Jackson Masonry of Sacramento, Calif. are the latest companies to have earned certification. Full story
OSHA Glove Requirement

OSHA has implemented a glove rule which requires bricklayers and anyone who may come in contact with hex chromium to wear protective gloves. Full story
Gracom Masonry Ltd. Becomes Certified

Gracom Masonry Ltd. is the latest company to have earned certification through the Masonry Certification program. Full story
2009 Legislative Conference Recap

The 2009 MCAA Legislative Conference was a huge success. Attendees moved at a very fast pace through Washington and made our presence known on Capitol Hill. Full story
Four Companies Certified at MCAA Convention

Four companies have earned certification through the Masonry Certification program at the MCAA Convention. Full story