Frank Campitelli
Frank Campitelli is the president and owner of Baltimore Masonry, Inc. Campitelli has volunteered countless hours for the masonry industry and spent eight years on the MCAA Executive Board, including two years as President from 2006-2008. He was presented with the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award for exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry in 2009.
27 articles by Frank Campitelli:
Report of the MCAA Nominating Committee

The MCAA Nominating Committee met to review candidates for MCAA office for the 2010-2012 term of office and recommends the following candidates. Full story
State of the Association

Every year is filled with challenges in our businesses and personal lives, how we tackle those challenges will determine the future success or failure in our lives. Full story
Thanks for an Enjoyable Term as President

For those of you who have been through the process of serving as president of the MCAA, you understand just how mixed your emotions are at the end of your term. Full story
Wrapping up Another Year

One the greatest accomplishments, when reflecting on my presidency, is that of selling our trade show and becoming the primary sponsor of World of Masonry. Full story
Greetings From Italy!

My message this month is a little unique as it is the first President’s Message written on foreign soil from Italy at the MCAA Industry Tour. Full story
MCAA, World of Masonry Join Forces

I am pleased to announce that, after reviewing the options, the board unanimously agreed to sell Masonry Showcase to Hanley Wood, owner of the annual World of Masonry trade show. Full story
MCAA Looking to Expand Masonry Markets

The Marketing Committee of the Mason Contractors Association of America is funding programs that promote masonry and will expand market share. Full story
Certification: Good Efforts and Bad Rumors

I recently read an article regarding certification and, although MCAA was not specifically named, many of the statements could be construed to reference the MCAA certification plan. Full story
MCAA Appoints New Executive Director

The Mason Contractors Association of America is proud to announce the unanimous decision to appoint Jeff Buczkiewicz as the Association’s new Executive Director. Full story
Mason Contractors Step up to Promote Total Masonry Construction

As a contractor, your future is inextricably tied to MCAA’s efforts, our successes and to the vital industry programs that our Association conducts. Full story
Certification is Not a Financial Windfall to the MCAA

For years, MCAA has advocated the use of quality mason contractors, so that our industry's clients could be assured that their projects would go smoothly. Full story
Isn’t It Time You Joined With Us?

Isn’t it time that you join with the other 1,000 mason contractors who have banded together to build a better industry? Full story
Advancing Masonry in a Global Economy

I stand before you to present my very first State of the Association address and I am proud to report that our association has continued to grow at a remarkable pace. Full story
Certification Can Strengthen Our Markets

The Association's ultimate goal is to promote the National Mason Contractor Certification program to the point where our customers specify a Certified Mason Contractor. Full story
A New Battle Rages in Washington

In May 2006, MCAA attended the signing of the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005. However, I am disturbed by a provision inserted into the final legislation. Full story
National Initiatives Will Build a Stronger Industry

At MCAA Midyear Meeting, the Association conducted strategy sessions aimed at increasing contractor involvement in marketing the use of masonry materials. Full story
Masonry Showcase 2007: Networking to Build a Better Industry

MCAA's Masonry Showcase is well known as the show "Where the Industry Meets." For the 2007 Masonry Showcase in Orlando, there's a whole new meaning to this statement. Full story
Totally Engaged in Washington

Through our strong staff, the Mason Contractors Association of America has played a role in helping pass landmark legislation and helping to shape events in our nation's capital. Full story
MCAA's Skills Competitions Create Enthusiasm for Training

MCAA's International Masonry Skills Challenge and the Fastest Trowel on the Block competitions focus our attention on training our number one resource: our workforce. Full story