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Find-a-Contractor Masonry Buyer's Guide

Damian Lang

Damian Lang is a mason contractor in southeast Ohio and inventor of many labor saving masonry systems and products. Lang has served as the Marketing Committee Chairman for the Mason Contractors Association of America. He is also author of the book Rewarding and Challenging Employees for Profits in Masonry. To network with Damian on contractor tips or tips you have and would like published, contact him at or 740-749-3512.

103 articles by Damian Lang:


Know Your Target and Set Expectations for Your Team to Hit It

Know Your Target and Set Expectations for Your Team to Hit It

Have you ever searched for something, not knowing what you were looking for, and found it? No? Me neither. Full story


Fundamentals Are the Foundation of Business Success

Fundamentals Are the Foundation of Business Success

You’ve heard the definition of insanity, haven’t you? It’s doing something the same way, over and over, yet expecting different results. Full story


Holding Yourself and Your Company to the Highest Standards

Holding Yourself and Your Company to the Highest Standards

How can I set my company apart from my competitors and be successful? This is a question I get from a lot of contractors these days. Full story


The 27 Times Rule

The 27 Times Rule

As a team leader, you deliver the same direction over and over again. Then, just when you think your team finally gets it, they take two steps back! Full story


Incorporating Standard Operating Procedure

Incorporating Standard Operating Procedure

You want to grow your business, right? But you’re already doing all that you can. You’re at capacity and running so hard that you can’t go any faster. Sound familiar? Full story


What a Difference a Day Makes!

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Yesterday, while I was flying back to Columbus, Ohio, from Kansas City, Mo., a lot of things were going through my mind. Full story


People Are Better Led Than Driven

People Are Better Led Than Driven

As I’m writing this month’s tip, I am patiently waiting between events at my daughter Amy’s track meet. I’ve got a big smile on my face, as Amy has won her first two events. Full story


Keep the Best Players on Your Team

Keep the Best Players on Your Team

In order to win at the game of business, you must recruit and field the right players for your team. Full story


It’s quiet time!

It’s quiet time!

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom would put you to bed, telling you it’s “quiet time”? This is a lesson most of us forgot as we grew up and began purchasing things. Full story


Get someone to help you dig the hole

Get someone to help you dig the hole

A lesson learned from those who dug water wells by hand years ago is that the harder you dig a hole, the deeper you will get. The deeper you get, the less the view. Full story


The value of sharing

The value of sharing

Because there were so many siblings in my family, I developed a deep sense of “sharing.” This sharing has attracted wonderful employees, partners and customers to my company. Full story


Sorry Charlie: If you wouldn’t have told me your price was high, you’d have the job

Sorry Charlie: If you wouldn’t have told me your price was high, you’d have the job

Why do contractors bid work, and then slowly sabotage their chances of getting the work by telling the perspective customer, “My price is high, but…?” Full story


If you show them you care, they will follow you

If you show them you care, they will follow you

To quote the great Vince Lombardi: “Men respond to leadership in a most remarkable way and, once you have won his heart, he will follow you anywhere.” Full story


You must see the opportunity when others can’t

You must see the opportunity when others can’t

I should have bought it. I should have done it. Ever hear someone say that when discussing a piece of equipment or house or property someone else bought at a fraction of its worth? Full story


The one who holds the gold rules

The one who holds the gold rules

When discussing a change order, scheduling conflict, or any other issue on a project, remember there is a Golden Rule. Full story


Don’t go that way!

Don’t go that way!

Throughout your career, you will have to make choices to get where you are going. Taking unnecessary risks regularly can take you down the road to disaster. Full story


As long as you invest in the right stuff, borrowing money will help you build wealth quicker

As long as you invest in the right stuff, borrowing money will help you build wealth quicker

Unlike traveling a long and winding road, when creating wealth for yourself, there are alternative routes you can take to get you there quicker. Full story


Fix yourself, and you fix the world

Fix yourself, and you fix the world

As a child, I ran away from home several times. With nine of us, and rules, getting along at home appeared to be a real “hardship.” Full story


How do you get off the hamster wheel?

How do you get off the hamster wheel?

Just building a successful construction company isn’t enough. You have to have a succession (continuation) plan to keep it prospering without you. Full story


There’s a time to stay, and a time to walk away

There’s a time to stay, and a time to walk away

Have you ever gone way low on a bid, and then out of some desire, you took the job anyway? Then, the job doesn’t turn out as good as you thought it would. Full story

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