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MCAA Nominating Committee
MCAA Nominating Committee
December 18, 2023 8:00 AM CST

MCAA Nominating Committee

Report to the Board


On November 14, 2023 the MCAA Nominating Committee met to review and recommend candidates for MCAA office for the 2024-2026 term of office. The Committee reviewed potential candidates for Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and nine Regional Vice Presidents. After careful review and consideration, the Nominating Committee is recommending the following for positions on the Board of the association:

Senior Officers

Chairman Dick Dentinger, B&D Associates, LLC, Minnesota

Vice Chairman         Kent Huntley, Huntley Brothers, North Carolina

Treasurer         Paul Cantarella and Son, Inc., Massachusetts

Secretary         Melonie Leslie, G&G Masonry LLC, Arizona

Regional Vice Presidents

Region A Chris Pappas, Telligent Masonry, LLC, Maryland

Region B Melvin Hinton, MH Masonry, Inc., Virginia

Region C John Jacob, J. Construction Co., Ohio

Region D Jameel Ervin,W.B.F. Construction, Inc.  Illinois

Region E Brad Grant, Grant Contracting Co., Inc, Missouri

Region F Kent Bounds, Brazos Masonry, Texas 

Region G Moroni Mejia, Hobbs Masonry Construction, LLC, Arizona

Region H Ken Tejeda, R & R Masonry, Inc., California

Region I Ron Adams, Cascade Construction Washington

We whole heartily support this slate of qualified candidates for the Board of the Mason Contractors Association of America and recommend them to the membership of the association for adoption.  The association will be holding the vote for the Board at the MCAA convention in Las Vegas, NV.  The meeting will be held on Monday, January 22 at the annual meeting being held at the Resorts World Hotel.

About the Author

Jeff Buczkiewicz is the President and CEO of the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has worked in the masonry industry for several years as the Executive Vice President of the Building Stone Institute and the Director of Marketing and Membership for the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has also served as Secretary on the Board of the Natural Stone Council and is a former Board Member of the StonExpo Federation.


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