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Masonry Alliance Program Website + Availability Will Open 6.15
Masonry Alliance Program Website + Availability Will Open 6.15
June 14, 2023 8:44 AM CDT

Masonry Alliance Program Availability Opens Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Availability Expands Beyond Current MCAA Partners To Choose A Level


We are under 24 hours away from publishing our dedicated Masonry Alliance Program website and expanding availability beyond current Strategic and Corporate Partners. As of this writing, well over half of our current Partners have committed to their spots in the new program.

Beginning tomorrow at midnight, we will no longer reserve availability for current Strategic and Corporate Partners, meaning that any interested company may come into the program. There is no category blocking at any level of this program; open availability is set by caps at each tier.

If you've missed our announcements, the Masonry Alliance Program is the new way for active suppliers to immersed in the $33 billion masonry industry. The MAP will replace the current Strategic and Corporate Partnerships at the end of the year, and will serve as the only way for suppliers to actively participate

Items like event attendance, sponsorship, advertising in MASONRY Magazine, and more will no longer be made available to companies outside of this program. The MAP is broken into four tiers: Cornerstone, Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Once all the tiers are filled, we will not add any new spots. Verbal commitments are all that is needed now, and billing and benefits do not start until 2024. 

Current MCAA Strategic and Corporate Partners who have committed to the program as of this writing are: 




About the Author

Dan Kamys is the Editorial Director of MASONRY Publications.


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