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August 30, 2021 8:00 AM CDT

St. Louis Hosts MCAA Foreman Development Course


The MCAA's newly-redeveloped Foreman Development Course went on the road August 24th and 25th in St. Louis, MO. The course was developed and taught by Tom Vacala, Jameel Ervin, and Donnie Williams. The course was developed by masons, keeping masonry essentials at the forefront of the two-day class. Leadership skills, situational experiences, and more are covered throughout the class. 

The class has been developed for those who have the potential to become foremen and those who have been foremen within the industry for years. Everyone should leave with something new to implement at their respective organization. 

The program was created to be a continual development class, and to serve as a networking tool for foremen all over the country. A Foreman Development II Course is currently in development. Next, the class will be taught in conjunction with the Arizona Masonry Council on October 4th and 5th. After that, the class will make its World of Concrete debut in Last Vegas on January 16th and 17th. 

If you are interested in hosting the course for your company or in your area, please contact Jeff at the MCAA office by emailing for more details. 

About the Author

Jeff Buczkiewicz is the President and CEO of the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has worked in the masonry industry for several years as the Executive Vice President of the Building Stone Institute and the Director of Marketing and Membership for the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has also served as Secretary on the Board of the Natural Stone Council and is a former Board Member of the StonExpo Federation.


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