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Photo Credit: Lane Vacala Facebook
Photo Credit: Lane Vacala Facebook
May 10, 2021 8:09 AM CDT

MASONRY STRONG Nitro Rallycross Car Makes Its Debut At RallyX Nordic

Rally Car Is A Crucial Component Of The MCAA's MASONRY STRONG Campaign


The MASONRY STRONG car, sponsored in part by the MCAA, made its debut at RallyX Nordic in Denmark at the start of May. The car is an integral component of the MCAA’s MASONRY STRONG Campaign, which is designed to unite the construction industry in support of masonry as both an industry and building material. 

“One of the goals of MASONRY STRONG is to demonstrate why masonry is a rewarding career choice for young people. The MASONRY STRONG rally car is a perfect way to start the conversation with fans of Nitro Circus and Nitro Rallycross,” said MCAA President and CEO, Jeff Buczkiewicz. 

The all-electric rally cars are capable of reaching 0-60 in 1.6 seconds, have 12” suspension travel, and feature 1000+ peak horsepower. By leveraging the 25 million fans who already love Nitro Circus, Nitro RallyCross aims to deliver the most progressive motorsports series on the planet. Races will feature both livestreamed and linear TV broadcasts. 

The team will make their way to the United States in the fall. Here is a schedule of planned races:

  • Salt Lake City | September 24-25: Utah Motorsports Campus
  • Reno | October 2-3: Wild West Motorsports Park]
  • Minneapolis | October 9-10: ERX Motor Park
  • Phoenix | November 13-14: Wildhorse Pass Motorsports Park
  • North Florida | December 4-5: The Firm
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact the MCAA at 800.536.2225 or email Jeff Buczkiewicz at

About the MASONRY STRONG Campaign: MASONRY STRONG is a new, industry-wide campaign led by the Mason Contractors Association of America. MASONRY STRONG is designed to unite all relevant stakeholders within the construction industry to highlight the beauty, resiliency, cost-effectiveness, and other benefits inherent in the use of brick, block, and stone.  

About the Author

Dan Kamys is the Editorial Director of MASONRY Publications.


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