EZ Scaffold Corp.
EZG Manufacturing
Hydro Mobile, Inc.
Westlake Royal Stone Solutions
Find-a-Contractor Masonry Buyer's Guide

Zach Everett

Zach Everett is corporate safety director for Brazos Masonry, Inc. He has served as the Safety Committee Chairman for the Mason Contractors Association of America. He can be reached at 254-848-5830 or

81 articles by Zach Everett:


Thanksgiving Fire Prevention Safety

Thanksgiving Fire Prevention Safety

Thanksgiving Day has more than double the number of home cooking fires than an average day according to the U.S. Fire Administration. Full story


Scaffold Hazards

Scaffold Hazards

Employees should be able to list the three most serious hazards which may be present during scaffold use. Full story


Near Miss Reporting

Near Miss Reporting

Whether there is no injury, a small bruise or scratch, or an amputation, the consequences of unsafe acts and conditions are left to chance. Full story


Signs of a Stroke

Signs of a Stroke

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. Full story


Elevated Surfaces Checklist

Elevated Surfaces Checklist

The following checklist may help you take steps to avoid hazards that cause injuries, illnesses and fatalities. Full story


Individual Quality Makes the Difference

Individual Quality Makes the Difference

Failure to do things correctly can jeopardize the health and safety of those around us, as well as our own well being. Full story


Keeping Seatbelts Safe

Keeping Seatbelts Safe

By law, most passenger cars on the road today should be equipped with seat safety belts, and many trucks also have this life saving equipment. Full story


Lightning Safety

Lightning Safety

If the sky looks threatening or you hear thunder, get inside a substantial building - one with wiring and plumbing. Full story


Danger Using Utility Knives

Danger Using Utility Knives

There’s one hand tool that demands your respect over many others in the workplace, a tool that can cut you to the bone in an instant – the utility knife. Full story


Guardrails, Handrails and Covers

Guardrails, Handrails and Covers

No matter what type of construction work you're in you see guardrails, handrails and covers on a regular basis. Full story


Supported Scaffold Safety Tips

Supported Scaffold Safety Tips

Supported scaffolds consist of one or more platforms supported by beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support. Full story


The Basics of Safety

The Basics of Safety

If you are unsure how to perform a task, ask your supervisor. Don't guess. Make sure you know in advance the correct, safe way to do it. Full story


OSHA Rule on Drinking Water

OSHA Rule on Drinking Water

We need to make sure each project is in compliance with the OSHA standards concerning Potable Water. Full story


Protective Footwear

Protective Footwear

You may or may not have given protective footwear much thought. Wearing the right shoes will help you do a better job, and do it safer. Full story


Heat Stress 2

Heat Stress 2

By following heat-related safety tips, employers can aid in protecting employees from extreme heat conditions. Full story




A respirator is an important piece of personal protective equipment that may be worn for many different reasons. Full story


Fall Protection Information

Fall Protection Information

Each year, falls result in many serious injuries, and approximately 20% of all falls are fatal. This means that for every five persons involved in a falling accident, one dies. Full story


Selecting the Right Gloves

Selecting the Right Gloves

You now have even more reason to wear your protective equipment since OSHA has added hand safety to its standard on personal protective equipment. Full story


Why Have Safety Meetings?

Why Have Safety Meetings?

Safety meetings are an opportunity for management and your safety department to communicate to employees how they can do their jobs safer and better. Full story


Ladder Safety Rules

Ladder Safety Rules

Gravity never forgets. As soon as you set foot on the ladder’s first rung and pull your body off the ground, gravity works to bring you back to earth. Full story

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