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January 24, 2022 8:00 AM CST

Congressional Candidate Jessie Vargas Joins The MCAA At The MAC PAC Breakfast

The Two-Time World Champion Boxer Aims To Change The State Of Politics


Jessie Vargas, a two-time World Champion boxer from Nevada and current Congressional Candidate, recently took time from his schedule to speak at the MCAA's MAC PAC Breakfast during the World of Concrete Convention in Las Vegas. 

Jessie is an inspiration for many in our country. He is a young man who has done well for himself, and wants better for his country and his children. He has lived his life to be self-sufficient. As Jessie stated, when he was younger he always thought of himself as a Democrat. As he continued his journey through life, he discovered he wanted less government interference and realized he was incorrectly aligned. Now he has fixed that by running in the Republican Primary for Nevada's 4th Congressional District.

As the political climate continues to show a disparity between the two parties, we see young people like Jessie discovering what their true political alignment is and getting involved to make a difference. The MCAA supports Jessie and others like him who promote less government involvement, which allows people to rise through society in pursuit of the American Dream. This is neither a Democratic nor Republican attribute, but something inherent to our country's foundation.

It is refreshing to see a young man embrace those ideals and have a clear vision for the future. The MCAA is proud to support Jessie in his run for Congress and we encourage other people in our industry to consider supporting him as well. 

For more information on Jessie Vargas For Congress and to donate, please visit:

About the MAC PAC: The purpose of MAC PAC is to help elect federal candidates to office who are pro-construction and who have a track record of working with the Mason Contractors Association of America (MCAA) on industry issues. MAC PAC allows you the opportunity to have a national impact on federal elections. 

For more information about getting involved with the MAC PAC, please visit: The MCAA welcomes new participants in the PAC and would love to welcome anyone interested in participation. Please reach out to Jeff Buczkiewicz for more details 

About the Author

Jeff Buczkiewicz is the President and CEO of the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has worked in the masonry industry for several years as the Executive Vice President of the Building Stone Institute and the Director of Marketing and Membership for the Mason Contractors Association of America. Jeff has also served as Secretary on the Board of the Natural Stone Council and is a former Board Member of the StonExpo Federation.


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