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Membership perks
Membership perks
April 1, 2020 8:00 AM CDT

Membership Perks: Q & A

Cutting Costs without Cutting Corners


For the Masonry professional, quality tools and the skilled hands that create with them form an equation that hasn’t changed for centuries. Quality tools + quality work = a job well done. But as current events have shown us, the unexpected can quickly add variables to that equation. Now more than ever, it’s clear that the “tools of the trade” go far beyond trowel, mixer, and level. 

With this in mind, we talked to Veronica Pratt, Account Relationship Manager at Savings4Members, to learn how MCAA members can cut costs without cutting corners by making the most of every tool available: including their membership. 

If you haven’t taken advantage of this benefit yet, MCAA and Savings4Members are partnered to give mason contractors businesses an edge with potential savings. By partnering with MCAA and hundreds of groups like ours, Savings4Members has built a cooperative network of associations wholly focused on giving independent businesses the scale that’s typically only available to corporate competitors.

Masonry Magazine: For members already familiar with you - have there been any changes to the ways members can save?

Veronica Pratt: BIG changes- and there are even more to come. For the past year we’ve been focused on making it faster and easier for members to take full advantage of their benefits. The biggest upgrade MCAA members will notice right away is our completely overhauled Member Dashboard. In this one location, members can activate the discounts they have access to, check the status of programs they’re already enrolled in, and get in touch with Savings Experts by phone, email, or live chat. 

With the Member Dashboard, we’ve made it easier than ever for members to check out the discounts they have access to, activate them, and quickly get in touch with a Savings Expert with the phone, email, or live chat. Whichever is most convenient at the time.

M.M.: Can you tell us how the process would work for a member to get started with their discounts? 

V.P.: Of course! MCAA members can get started in 1 of 3 ways. They can call in directly at 844- 346-3746 and talk to a Savings Expert immediately, they can chat with someone via the chat option on our website, or they can access their Savings Dashboard online 24/7 by entering their business email address at Once they do this their access to their unique Savings Dashboard will be e-mailed to them directly. In addition to monthly email updates on new, updated, or recommended perks - our Savings Experts will also check-in from time to time to see how we can help. It’s important to remember that - as a member services company - our team is your team, and we’ve grown our Savings Team in the last year to ensure there’s always someone available to help members make the most of membership.

M.M.: Are there certain types of businesses or suppliers that should be using your service?

V.P.: Honestly, your MCAA benefits can make an impact whether you are large volume or small and family-owned. With over 20+ cost-cutting opportunities, there is a little something for everyone. From our experience, the more programs a business takes advantage of the more value they will see out of their member benefits.

M.M.: Are there any common misconceptions that prevent members from taking advantage of these benefits?

V.P.: Absolutely! We hear all the time that members don’t have time to look into their benefits or that they already have the lowest offering. What’s great about our service is we have a team here to do the legwork for each of them. Do you really have the lowest rate on AMEX processing or waste? Once you pass along some information to your team, we’ll make sure that’s true. 

Another common misconception we hear from members is about their vehicles. MCAA members have access to some incredible fuel discounts for fleets. Often, we hear, “But I don’t have a fleet - just a couple trucks.” That’s more than enough and you can earn more from every single mile.  

M.M.: What is the best way to discover more about the benefits available to the members of MCAA?

V.P.: If a member hasn’t already they should definitely visit their Savings Dashboard, they can see everything available as well as what they are currently taking advantage of. Another great resource outside of the Savings Dashboard is our business resource section on our website. We’ve been working hard to put together content and resources focused on helping every small business on topics ranging from operations and hiring to marketing, profitability, and more.

M.M: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our members?

Veronica Pratt: Oh always! But I’ll keep it short. Members should keep their eyes on their inbox these next few months. We’ve got some great updates and helpful additions coming that we will be announcing in emails they receive monthly. From great new programs to even more enhancements to their member dashboards. The perks of membership are only getting better. 

In 2019, the MCAA had 80 unique members using at least one of the discount programs available, with 49 members saving on fuel, 17 on office supplies, and 8 taking advantage of payroll and HR benefits. 

As challenges arise and Spring brings new opportunities, we look forward to members using perks like these as a powerful tool to get any job done for less.  

If you have questions about how to use your MCAA cost-cutting service, the Savings Team at Savings4Members is standing by and ready to assist. Get access to your business Savings Dashboard by entering your email at

For over a decade, Veronica Pratt has made it her mission to listen, learn, and lead while working with member-businesses of all sizes from a wide variety of national associations, cooperatives, and franchises. As Savings4Members’ Account Relationship Manager, Veronica works directly leaders and members of America's best organizations - with a focus on distributors - to connect them with the powerful value of the Savings4Members network. 

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