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2013-14 ASA President Jack Austhof Honors Brian Johnson, Soil Consultants, Charleston, S.C., with President’s Award
2013-14 ASA President Jack Austhof Honors Brian Johnson, Soil Consultants, Charleston, S.C., with President’s Award
May 4, 2014 8:40 AM CDT

ASA honors Brian Johnson with President’s Award


2013-14 American Subcontractors Association President Jack Austhof, Sobie Company, Dutton, Mich., honored 2013-14 ASA Vice President Brian Johnson, Soil Consultants, Charleston, S.C., with the ASA President’s Award on March 7, 2014, during ASA’s annual convention, SUBExcel 2014, in New Orleans. The ASA President’s Award is given by the current ASA president on a discretionary basis.

“Each year, the ASA president presents the President’s Award to the person who has aided him most during his tenure as president,” Austhof said. “This can be a difficult task in our organization that is built on many teams and task forces, working together for the betterment of our industry. For me, however, the choice was easy. During my term as ASA President, I counted on Brian often to help with tasks. His experience both at the chapter and national level has given him great insight and valued opinions. Brian has a high regard for ASA and we have and will continue to benefit from his service.”

Johnson has worked with Soil Consultants for nearly 30 years. His company has been a member of ASA for 30 years. Johnson has more than a decade of service with ASA of the Carolinas, including serving as president in 2007-08. He currently serves on the ASAC Board of Directors. Johnson was first elected to the ASA board of directors in 2008. He has served as an at-large member of the ASA Executive Committee and on the Finance Committee and the Task Force on Meetings.

About the Author

Marc Ramsey is the Director of Communications at the American Subcontractors Association.


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