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Anglia Edger
Anglia Edger
November 27, 2012 3:00 PM CST

Paver collection, decorative edge from Belgard

Paver innovation


Belgard Hardscapes is offering both a new paver collection and a product for edging paver surfaces for the masonry industry.

Anglia Edger is a decorative option for edging paver surfaces that was released regionally in the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast regions in 2011. The Domino Paver Collection was specifically designed to provide a dimensional paver surface with reduced installation time and waste.

Since Domino Pavers come in a single shape that can be handled two at a time, less product handling and cutting are needed, resulting in an installation done in a fraction of the time of a three- or four-piece system. Domino Pavers offer the design flexibility of installing in a running bond, herringbone or basket weave pattern, and are an ideal surface for walkways, patios, pool decking and residential driveways.

Designed for edging driveways, patios, walkways and creating small planter walls, Anglia Edger offers the look of natural stone without the cost. Anglia features a chiseled finish that emulates hand-hewn stone and is tumbled to look distressed. Available in a variety of color choices and a number of different lengths for flexibility of design, the Anglia Edger is beveled on the ends to allow for creating both curves and angles.

The larger scale of the Anglia Edger makes it a cost-effective alternative to mortar-set granite and other natural stone edging, because there are fewer pieces to install and fewer joints. Anglia also can be used to create natural-form steps, because of its height and thickness.

For more information visit

Originally published in Masonry magazine.

About the Author

Since 1995, a nationwide network of Oldcastle manufacturing facilities has produced Belgard interlocking pavers, paving stone and garden wall products. These products include the traditional and antiqued paver and wall series. All Belgard products have a long history of successful applications on thousands of residential and commercial projects throughout the United States and Canada. Contact Belgard Hardscapes, Inc. at


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