Oxford Hotel
Bend, OR
Mason Contractor:
Ceniga Construction
BLRB Architects
General Contractor:
DeGree Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Mutual Materials Company
Owner: Oxford Hotel Group
Project Description
The cosmopolitan ambiance at the Oxford Hotel in Downtown Bend undermines neither the surrounding streetscape nor the environment. It offers an "eco-chic" look that fits contextually with the historical feel of other neighboring structures.
The masonry materials selected are what makes this intention become genuine, and reflection hit it's mark. Adding to this award-winning project's end-result, there
is the aspect of both durability and low-maintenance, which factored into the hotel's choice of materials.
The brick facade also allowed for appealing texture and pattern designs. The large scale of the Oxford Hotel, the tallest building in Bend, was better served with the use of brick, adding to the timeless design that will be admired for decades.
Date of Project Completion: January 2010
2011 MIOCTIO Hammurabi Merit Award
Photography by Jim Landin